Monthly Archive: March 2010

High Fat, High Sugar, What’s Not to Love?

I need a healthy alternative to ice cream. I’ve discovered that ice cream is our go-to treat on warm days after school and, to be honest, most any evening.

Any suggestions?

At the Henry Doorly Zoo


Someday I’ll post something with words and forethought. Today I just want a change of scenery for my blog. It’s Monday—a new week! And I have zoo pics to share.

Proof in Purple


Here we have photographic evidence that spring can’t be held back, that winter can’t last forever. Praise God for these small flowers of promise!

Livia and I scouted for living plants a few days ago and you would’ve thought we had found buried treasure by our excitement. I suppose, in a sense, we did find buried treasure. Clusters of crocus, purple and gold. Hurray for spring!

Hangin’ with the Lawtons




I really like these three images from last weekend. My brother Adam kissing his baby? Well, it just doesn’t get more precious than that for a little sister. And Noah’s bright eyes, those endless eyelashes and adorable teeth kill me. I love the last pic of Kristin, her kiddos and Livia as well. Kristin is faithfully and serenely looking into the camera while the girls are being pretty silly and Noah is sucking away at his pacifier.

Each time I see my niece and nephew, I’m surprised by how much they’ve changed. Perhaps that’s why I love photography. It gives me the power to capture an quick moment in time—and to keep it forever.

At the End of the Day


Jeremy bought flowers for both of his girls last night and Liv’s response was sheer joy. It was something else, we’ve never seen her so giddy. She kept talking and talking and talking—to the woman buying flowers next to us, to the cashier, to Jeremy and me. She said something to Jeremy like, “I know that you very loved me!” and gushed joyous proclamations left and right. And here we thought her love language was physical affection! It was so fun.

It’s good for me to look at happy images this evening because today has been rough. Livia has pneumonia, just a slight case, but her cough is waking her up very early in the morning and keeping her up way too late at night. Already a spirited personality, Liv becomes almost unmanageable on too little sleep. It’s hard to keep nursing your little one when you feel like you just need a break from not only the incessant coughing but also the unbelievably bad behavior. And oh my goodness, that kid got on every nerve tonight.

But finally, she’s asleep. Dear Jesus, let the medicines do their thing tonight. And, in the meantime, let me be refreshed by the beautiful gerber daisies on my dining room table. (Thanks, sweetie.)


My Art Is In Words

My art is in words. The swirling watercolors and acrylics can be founds in letters in print, in between black and white lines, both casually and purposefully painted across a screen. Today I’m ready for more. I long for art to be splashed across the pale walls of this old house, and I know that someday these blank slates will be filled with the creative works of kindred spirits. My soul is dissatisfied with the flickerings of television and computer screens. I want paint, thickly applied to a canvas. I want sculpture I can caress and wrap my fingers around. I want to feel the rhythmic churning of the pottery wheel controlled by my right foot, my hands tight around a sloppy glob of clay. I want to sit quietly, breathing in and out, as I create. As I cut out shapes for a collage, make marker strokes on a bookmark, or artfully wrap a birthday present. I want to inhale aromas of fresh mountain air, salty sea breezes, pastries from a bakery or coffee so strong it stays on my skin all day. I want to encourage artists around me, tell them they are amazing, and wait with anticipation to see what they do next. I want contribute to the world, make my mark on it, be proud of what I create. I want to be meaningful, purposeful, strong and beautiful in my pursuit.

My thoughts, swirling and enriching and outward-focused, are wrapped snugly under a down blanket next to the sleeping form of a sick five year old. Her deep breaths, slowly in and out around the two fingers tucked in her mouth, lull me, comfort me, ground me. Peacefully sleeping, she radiates the glory of a God who delights in making beautiful things like soft foreheads, wispy little girl hair, and tender downy ears that look like seashells. The day is dark and overcast and my mood, too, has been dark and overcast until the excitement of creative work and the sweet peace of a sleeping child spread joy to scare away the shadows.

Today I create with words. I’ll go in search of sculptures and paintings tomorrow.

The Father-Daughter Duo


Jeremy and Liv are either playing the Stare Game or they’re cuddling. Whatever they’re doing, I’m in favor of it.

Photographer and Subject



Credit for the first image goes to Renae. Thanks, friend, for letting me post it here!

March in the Prairie

As lovely as the previous post’s images are, I’ve decided to move on to something else.

March in Nebraska. I’ve never been so grateful for rain! Finally finally finally the air has warmed up and the snow on the ground is gone. This winter was something else. A few weeks ago I imagined myself frantically scooping all the snow out of my yard and wondered if the neighbors would think I had gone mad. We’ve had snow on the ground since early December! Something about that was demoralizing. But spring! Spring is on its way and I couldn’t be happier.

Here are a few images from last Thursday when Renae and I sought out sunny skies among the prairie grounds at Pioneers Park.





Oscar Night!


This is me watching the Oscars all by myself.


This is me, terribly excited to be watching the Oscars.

This is me… blogging… because I am an extrovert, and as previously mentioned, I am watching the big show by myself. So. Who looks great tonight? Who are you rooting for? What do you think? (And yeah, I’ll totally delete this post if there aren’t any comments. lol)