PMS Rant

Posted on Feb 12, 2004 at 5:49 PM in Uncategorized

If I could take one phrase out of the American vernacular, it would be the one dealing with “sugar shock.” I just read a movie review that described the film (“50 First Dates”) as too sweet… enough to send you into sugar shock, “pass the insulin.” Stupid, stupid, stupid. I also had a professor at Covenant once use this phrase; then, after class, he pulled me over and apologized. Now really, I didn’t need the apology — it didn’t hurt my feelings in the slightest. But because he apologized, I began to think of the dumb phrase as somehow being offensive to diabetics. In all actuality, it is a stupid saying that DOESN’T MAKE SENSE and is only slightly offensive. Sugar doesn’t send people into “shock” (and it sure as hell doesn’t send a non-diabetic into shock) — if there is way too much sugar combined with the worrisome presence of a byproduct called ketones, a diabetic could go into a coma due to ketoacidosis. So why is the phrased used? Who knows… I guess it just gets passed on by those who don’t realize how lame it is.


  1. rt Feb 12, 2004 10:08 PM

    oh the dangers of being a blogger AND an extrovert. : /

  2. bethany Feb 13, 2004 10:36 AM

    i actually don’t think i’ve ever heard that phrase before….or, more likely, i’ve probably heard it and just never registered it. interesting though.

  3. rt Feb 13, 2004 11:06 AM

    i think it’s being phrased-out (pardon the pun). i’ve only heard older folks use it. it’s a classic case of how a silly statement, meant with no harm and used with no forethought, has a way of wounding a listener.

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