Monthly Archive: April 2006

Sunday Picnic



This Moment

I just looked over at my daughter, playing on the yellow pine floor with her mama’s latest pair of sunglasses, a small sparkly purple clip pulls her golden-brown hair over her right ear, the rest of the curls and waves rest on her shoulders. She’s wearing a colorful, striped t-shirt and hot pink pants.

“Be careful with the glasses, okay?”

“‘kay,” she nods.

Suddenly she seems like she’s five years old. And I want to squeeze her and forever recall this time when she’s not yet two.

Looking Up Downtown




Movie Chat

During Lent I had more free time because I didn’t blog. Blogging for me sometimes becomes a laborious process where I spend undue amounts of time editing pictures, writing and checking comments every other minute of my day. Now that I’ve rejoined Blogland, I’m trying to figure out a way to spend less time online. In other words, I’m going to attempt something called “self-discipline.” Go figure and good luck, right?

In order to update our movie ratings (see right sidebar), I’ll drop a few names from our Blockbuster queue and leave an applicable or completely random comment related to each film.

Two movies I enjoyed: Before Sunrise and Before Sunset. I completely fell for the talking-as-plot device and could very much identify myself and my friends within the roles of Celine and Jesse. As a late twenty-something, I’ll admit I enjoyed the second film the most. A flick I did not enjoy? Four Brothers. Complete waste of time. I was a little disappointed with John Cusack for making Must Love Dogs. It was mildly entertaining, but everything in the movie felt forced. Let’s blame the screenwriters and director for that one considering Cusack and Diane Lane are decent actors. Fever Pitch qualified as a more enjoyable romantic comedy. Predictable, yes; but definitely fun to watch. What can I say? Both Jimmy Fallon and Drew Barrymore perform consistently with charisma and charm (which, I’ll admit, can be their downfalls as actors—the same old shtick can get old quick). A few flicks were sent back only halfway finished… Mad Hot Ballroom because I just didn’t have time to finish it and I Heart Huckabees because I just wasn’t interested. I rented the Academy Award-winning Terms of Endearment because of its film location (I see you, Highway 2! and there’s UNL!) but three-quarters of the way through the movie I remember feeling the same dread I feel every time I read Romeo & Juliet, this can’t end well. And of course it didn’t and I was forced to go get a few Kleenex. Finally, I loved loved loved Rivers and Tides. I enjoyed it so much that my husband’s lucky I didn’t force him to watch the entire thing with commentary from yours truly. So, Moreheads, if you come home to wood chips stacked in an egg shape, you’ll know why. It wasn’t the movie that interested me greatly, it was the art.

Perhaps I should get off the computer, turn off the DVD player, and get me to an art museum.

First Easter Egg Hunt





Put Your Smiley Face On…


…because we are back!

Happy Easter, everyone. I look forward to rejoining Blogland in coming days.