Our Baby Honeymoon

Posted on Jul 2, 2004 at 9:40 AM in Livia

When adopting a child from a different state, you have to abide under certain laws—one being the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC). ICPC paperwork must be filed, first within the state the child resides in, then within your home state. Apparently there is ONE person within each state department who looks through the papers and then gives the big thumbs-up to the adoption. If you attempt to cross state lines before receiving approval you are partaking in criminal activity.

Though I’m certain Jeremy and I have both engaged in some degree of criminal activity over the years, we’d rather not attempt to parent Livia from behind bars. So we’re stuck in Kansas. That is, we’re stuck until the ICPC folks say otherwise.

Yet we have so much to be thankful for in this period of waiting… We are in a baby honeymoon, so to speak; away from the cares and pressures of normal home routines. My current home gets cleaned once a day by a delightful housekeeper, we eat a hot breakfast (when we get up early enough) in the hotel’s breakfast nook, there’s also the reception/dinner hour (the last two nights they’ve had wine with appetizers—yum!)… And all the while we get to literally stare at this wondrous piece of creation and marvel at every coo, hiccup, grunt and smile.

So thank you, ICPC, for a lovely start for our new family.


  1. Jacinda Jul 2, 2004 12:40 PM

    Wow! Sounds a lot more appealing than a two and a half day stay in the hospital! :) Enjoy your visit, and congratulations! She is simply gorgeous. What a blessing! Yay for Livia, and Yay for Rebecca and Jeremy!

  2. Bethany Jul 2, 2004 5:52 PM

    I can’t wait to meet Livia… glad you guys finally get to come home! :)

  3. Johnmark (Jeremy's carpool buddy) Jul 2, 2004 9:06 PM

    Congrats! She is adorable.

    Remind Jeremy to bring pictures to work on Tuesday! I’m making him walk if he doesn’t. ;)

  4. kara Jul 2, 2004 9:22 PM

    pretty obvious from these pics that she is both smart and beautiful! she even seems to be daydreaming a bit… perhaps conjouring up a poem or great work of art? what a beauty!

  5. karen Jul 3, 2004 9:57 AM

    Congratulations, guys! I feel many a baby shower coming on.

  6. rebecca Jul 3, 2004 11:45 AM

    hey everyone! we’re home now — yippee!!! we introduced livia to her nursery last night and it was the cutest thing ever… she loved gazing upon the baby dolls in her crib (which paranoid mama removed upon bedtime) and followed the mobile with her eyes. she has redefined cuteness for the tredways.

  7. sarah Jul 3, 2004 4:59 PM

    welcome home and congratulations! i look foward to seeing all three of you soon…

  8. bobw Jul 7, 2004 12:34 PM

    many congratulations. she’s beautiful. may God bless your new daughter and family!

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