The Path We Chose

Posted on Aug 26, 2004 at 3:54 PM in Adoption, Livia

I used to think adoption was simple: There are baby girls in China that need homes? Let’s go get one!

And then reality set in. Private vs. agency. Domestic vs. international. Open vs. closed. (Good luck trying to do a closed adoption domestically. I doubt too many folks do them anymore.) Paperwork for the lawyers. Paperwork for the social workers. Paperwork for the state. Paperwork for the birthparents, which is probably the toughest paperwork of all. It’s a fairly odd challenge, writing “Dear Birthmom” letters and profiles of yourself. What if birthmom was an athlete? Okay, make sure to write about your soccer days. What if she is a Christian? Alright, include something about your beliefs in Jesus Christ. What if she hates Christians? Uh, let’s not go over the top with the Christ talk. One could really go crazy while filling out all the forms. All I can say is that we heavily relied on faith in God’s providence. If He wanted us to adopt a baby, we knew all the paperwork in the world couldn’t stand in our way.

The truth is that the adoption process doesn’t end once a placement occurs. (Isn’t placement a stark word to describe the incredible joy of being handed your new baby?) Usually you’ll have meetings with your social workers, bills from the lawyers, letters and photos passed to the birthparents, new social security cards and birth certificates to order, insurance to arrange. And someday, meaningful adoption conversations with your little one. The process continues.

Adoption is not simple. But adoption IS wonderful. I could write “wonderful” and all it’s synonyms over and over and over on this blog and still not get across how wonderful it is to love and care for Livia. I’ve decided that having a child is like having a chunk of your heart cut from your chest and placed within another little body. There will always be a piece of me within her. My thoughts will never be centered solely on myself again. Forever there will be a part of me in this child. Wonderful.


  1. kerri Aug 27, 2004 10:05 AM

    “a chunk of your heart cut from your chest and placed within another little body”–what a neat description, RT. Just wait until you adopt your next one–then you’ve got heart pieces going in different directions. One of mine is currently in Georgia, making my remaining heart concurrently miss her, yet being happy and excited for her.
    Lately I’ve been feeling like “I’ve somewhat successfully guided two children through to adulthood–am I up to five more??!!” But Jesus comes alongside and reminds me that He’s done all the heavy lifting–I’m just along for the exciting, exasperating, exhausting, exhilarating journey.
    Enjoy the ride. :)

  2. Renae Aug 27, 2004 1:40 PM

    I love that part too. It reminded me right away of something I read a year or so ago: “Making a decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.” – Elizabeth Stone

  3. Rebecca Aug 27, 2004 2:06 PM

    Nae, that must be where I got the idea from! I know I’ve read that quote before. So absolutely true.

    Kerri, how DO you do it? The thought of Livia ever leaving my side (to head down to Covenant or anywhere else) makes me ache a bit. Again, I’m thrilled Sarah is down there — just never considered it from a strong parental perspective until now. Jesus is the heavy lifter… It’s a day by day thing, huh?

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