Happy Eleven Months!

Posted on Apr 19, 2005 at 11:01 AM in Livia

Dear Livia,

You’re now officially eleven months old and we have a few small weeks until your age can be recorded in years. Wow. I look at teeny newborn babies and simply wonder how my baby got to be so big!

Right now you’re in your crib where you’re supposed to be taking your morning nap. Instead of sleeping you are talking away, mostly in your favorite “a-a-a” voice, and rattling the sides of your crib. The rattling is a new thing. You’re suffering (quite greatly according to your cries) from your first real cold and you seem to be personally insulted by the runny nose and chest congestion. The cold so far has proven how very blessed I am as your mother to have a baby who is normally content and happy. Your crying kills me, both because I can’t always console you and because we’re enjoying little peace in the Tredway household. So while I pray for healing for you, I’ll continue to administer baby Tylenol (which you kind of like) and nose-wipes (which you hate with a fiery passion).

This month’s letter seems to be an appropriate time to mention how funny you are. Your facial expressions, your attitude, your body language, your words—they make us laugh each and every day. Even your pathetic “da-da” noises, said while starting to cry from whatever’s making you unhappy, are cute. The best thing of all, though, is your laugh. Who knew that baby laughter could elevate one’s soul to a heavenly realm? You have a bona fide sense of humor which just blows us away. Here you are, a new body and new mind in baby packaging, and you think things are funny. Amazing! The other day your dad was sweeping the living room floor and you, in your high chair, let out a little “heh heh.” I tend to think of Jeremy’s sweeping as necessary and mundane, but to you it was chuckle-worthy. And that silly Baby Einstein DVD we put on to entertain you when nothing else could? Oh yes, that too elicited a laugh. You offer toothy grins now in exchange for being jiggled, shaked and shimmied. I can already tell you and Daddy will be doing some serious wrestling in a few short years.

A few weeks ago you blew your first kisses—I thought my heart would crack in two from the sweetness! You sent them to Grandma & Grandpa Tredway and Auntie Bean & Eric. They, too, thought it was amazing. As your parents we are privileged to oooh and aaah at all your sweet, special firsts. In no time at all we’ll be celebrating your first year of life outside the womb. We say special prayers of thanks for the birthmother who lovingly carried you for nine months, for the birthfamily that cherished you for a short time after you were born, and for all the special people who helped in our adoption process. We can’t imagine our lives without you! Livia, you are the most beautiful 11 month old. Your daddy and I love you like we’ve never loved anything before.



  1. Nana Apr 19, 2005 12:53 PM

    Livia, you are a miracle to Papa and me. God chose you to be a Tredway and to be His. We are so grateful for the gift of you. Love you, precious…Nana

  2. sarah Apr 20, 2005 2:40 PM

    beautiful photos!

  3. Kristen Apr 22, 2005 6:59 PM

    She’s so adorable :o)

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