Two Years, Three Months

Posted on Aug 10, 2006 at 6:58 PM in Livia


Dear Livia,

Even though earlier today I told your Uncle Adam that I just may have the worst job in the world, I was wrong. This photo shows why I have the best job in the world. It may perhaps be the hardest job as well, but smiles like these go a long way in easing the stress of it all. You are in the middle of the toddler testing phase and I can’t even count how many times you were forced onto the Naughty Spot this past week. This discipline gig is not an easy one, especially when you say “I’m sorry” before you even make it to the Spot for two minutes. I still don’t like it when you cry, but I’ve discovered I don’t like it at all when you do things like throw your chicken nuggets on the floor at Burger King (or bite Mommy in unbloggable locations, or chuck your sippy off your highchair, etc etc etc). But the smiles and hugs and sweet caresses you’ve recently been giving, those lovely things make my job the most beautiful one imaginable.


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