Sweet, Blessed Sleep

Posted on Jul 3, 2007 at 9:15 PM in Livia


Thanks to all you kind, prayerful people who intervened before God regarding our sleep problems. Boy, is life a lot smoother when Livia sleeps at night!

I want to make a few notes about some helpful advice we’ve received lately. Brenda, a friend who is a social worker (correct me, Mom, if I’m wrong with that job title), really helped us with several techniques for rearing a preschooler. She suggested we come up with a short list of behaviors, four to five things, that always require discipline. And she recommended that we work on redirecting unwanted behaviors that don’t make the list. Liv’s chewing on her hair barrette? No big deal! Totally not on the list. She’s spitting in the backseat of the car? Mmm. Starting to get under my skin, but also not on the list. Spitting at me in anger? Definitely discipline-worthy. For those who are curious, right now we are focusing on some defiant behaviors like saying “no” to Mom and Dad, telling us what to do, hitting, throwing things in anger. Brenda suggested that when we feel like we’ve made some success in this areas, then we can move on to other behaviors.

I also picked up the Supernanny book. I really like Jo Frost and think she has some very practical advice to offer. Some ideas I have taken from her include the naughty spot, the notion of being very controlled with your responses to your out-of-control child, and a more gentle warning system before disciplining. While at B&N, I also chose to buy Boundaries with Kids because I keep hearing over and over, and I know it to be true, that kids crave boundaries. As I repeated to myself during some really tantrum-y nights with Livia, “I am pillar. I am a pillar.” Translation: I am strong, I can be strong! Sometimes I would turn into a wet noodle within 20 minutes, but the desire to be a firm boundary-provider remains.

So how did we get our child to start sleeping again? Hah! Do you think I’m going to post that here? Sleep issues invite all sorts of uninvited advice and mothers in particular go all nuts on each other debating the family bed vs. the CIO approach. I’m not going to open up that discussion here. But I am more than willing to talk about some issues that NO PARENTING BOOKS EVER DISCUSS. You just have to email me or give me a call for a little one-on-one chat. Lord willing, your children will all sleep like angels through the night from infancy on.

Speaking of sleeping angels, I have one. She’s cuddled in bed now, door open with a fan running to block out all the firecracker noises. Sweet dreams, punkin baby. (To which she would say, if lucid, “I not a baby! I’m three!”)

**As a fairly extroverted extrovert, I talked to lots of family and friends about the discipline issues we’ve encountered in the last month. Even if I didn’t mention you by name, please know that I love and appreciate you!


  1. kristen Jul 4, 2007 12:19 AM


    I know from experiencing the childhoods of all three of my siblings (I was five when the next one was born) that three is much much more terrible than two. Take heart, and take notes, I have been feeling three coming for the last several months…

  2. TulipGirl Jul 8, 2007 4:02 PM

    I think something no one ever tells you when you have an infant, is that once the baby starts “sleeping through the night” it doesn’t mean your child will always “sleep through the night” from then to eternity. Growth spurts, developmental spurts, transitions in life, personality. . . When they are infants we feel like “once they start sleeping. . .” we’ll get all the rest we need. Totally not aware it isn’t a permanent thing.

    Glad y’all have made it over one sleeping hump and that she’s sleeping soundly again. For now. *grin*

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