Boots & Dora

Posted on Jan 8, 2008 at 12:05 PM in Livia

Puddles & Snow

So many puddles, so little time…

When I first became a mother, I considered myself a homemaker because I didn’t like the sound of “stay-at-home mom” and I was truly making the home each day. Sometime during the last three years, I’ve switched to using the SAHM terminology. The reason I’m home full-time is because I want to be here with Livia, ’nuff said. Some days I want to run for the hills and desperately long for time to myself, but still, when the longterm goal is remembered, I’m glad I’m a SAHM.

Sometimes, even after 3.5 years, I’m surprised at the tasks assigned to this job. They aren’t easy to distinguish at times (Do I discipline for that behavior or does she really just need a PB&J?) and sometimes I feel all creative thinking has vanished from my mind and the only thing left to do is pop in a DVD.

Yesterday I fulfilled one of my duties by taking a walk with my little monkey Boots. I make a good Dora, if I do say so myself. Boots likes puddles of all shapes and sizes, the muddier the better. And only once have I had to rescue Boots from the murky depths of a particularly boggy puddle. In the pic above Dora and Boots were exploring the old Zion lot where puddles abound.


  1. Sarah B. Jan 8, 2008 1:44 PM

    Are those boots from Target? I desperately need to get some for Calvin. Am I am loser mom or what…Calvin has still never officially played in the snow (and not that we have any snow right now)! But without boots, it’s just not worth it: ruined shoes, frostbite, sopping wet pants.

    And I just had a moment of sadness, too, reading that this picture was shot in the empty Zion lot.

    And P.S. Good for you, SAHM, for letting your kiddo splash in puddles!

  2. Andy Jan 9, 2008 7:47 AM

    That’s a cool shot :-)

  3. RT Jan 9, 2008 8:28 AM

    Yep, the boots are from Target. They come in handy when the snow melts because Liv has never met a puddle she didn’t like! I’m a firm believer in messy play… Not only is it tons of fun for the kid, but dirt (usually) washes out of clothes and always washes off of skin. I haven’t figured out how to keep drippy chocolate cones from staining white shirts; so for now, I keep buying more because there’s no way we’re giving up chocolate ice cream! : )

  4. RT Jan 9, 2008 8:29 AM

    And yeah, I’m not commenting on the “loser mom” quote. Because you’re totally not one.

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