Busting the Blog Boredom

Posted on Jun 18, 2008 at 1:40 PM in Photography

I’m boring myself on my own blog so I can’t imagine how the rest of you must feel! There’s a lot going on this week… We’ll be starting weekly services at Redeemer this Sunday (buckle your seatbelts!). For now we’ll meet at Zion on Sundays at 5:00pm, so come and join us in worship on the 22nd if you’d like. This week is also Vacation Bible School at Zion and let me tell you how awesome the gals are who put on this thing. There is so much prep work, so many gazillions of details that have to be managed–and they do it because they love Jesus and kids. Hats off to Tanya and Monica for all their hard work; they amaze me. I have the privilege of snapping photos all week. One of my favorite tasks so far has been shooting a head-and-shoulders shot of each kid for an art project. I love all the hilarious smiles the kids, ages 3 through 10, give the camera and end up laughing hard after each group of children. I’ll try and post a few shots here after the week is over.

And now for the photo of the week. Liv was pulling weeds at the Moreheads’ yesterday and she found an egg. After calling Jeremy to examine it, we took an Exacto to the thing for a little biology lab time. Our guess is that it’s a snake egg. It was squishy and bounced when I dropped it on accident. What do you think?

Garter Snake Egg


  1. Bethany Jun 18, 2008 1:56 PM

    I don’t know what kind of egg it is, but it is majorly grossing me out.

  2. Jeremy Jun 18, 2008 3:12 PM

    I’m definitely thinking snake egg. Take a look at this blog post. It looked very similar to those before we sliced it open.

    I’m guessing there’s a nest somewhere nearby. Which will make for some tip-toe gardening, but may solve the rabbit problem next year. That would be legen…(wait for it)…DARY!

  3. Sarah B. Jun 18, 2008 6:58 PM

    Co-ink-a-dink…we’re having VBS this week, too! Is Livia having fun? Can’t remember if she was old enough to be in last year or not. This is Calvin’s first year. Yes, I know how much work it is to be the VBS director cause a friend of mine is one of the directors this year of our VBS. She and her co-director have been working on this since January!! Wow.

    Ew, that egg kinda creeps me out! Good science lesson for a 4-year old or a 30-year old. :)

  4. Lindsey Jun 18, 2008 7:58 PM

    EWWW. But wait, are you sure it’s not a BASILISK egg? If you found it under a toad, run for your lives.

  5. Jamie Jun 19, 2008 12:56 AM

    egg = yuck. i’m not going to do well with this kind of stuff later on.

    so since redeemer is meeting in the evenings, what will ya’ll do sunday mornings? a new way of living for a while — PJs and brunch, that’d be kind of fun. makes me want to make breakfast for dinner, but i’ve already made the rice :(

  6. Kerri Jun 19, 2008 12:48 PM

    We are looking forward to sleeping in on Sundays–pjs and brunch sound excellent! Marc says this is the main reason we are going on the church plant. Ha.

    The blocking software on the computer I am using is blocking all photos, and for once I am glad. I would probably have a major gross out as well. I am going to imagine a lovely Easter egg instead.

  7. Jeremy Jun 21, 2008 2:41 PM

    I’ve recently learned that garter snakes don’t actually lay eggs … they give live births. So now it’s back to research time.

  8. Jacquey Newton Jul 2, 2008 10:41 AM


    the egg if actually a fungus, I am not sure of the variations you have in the US but in the UK we have a couple that are similar to this one, It looks like Phallus impudicus, the Stinkhorn and when it grows, it looks very phallus like,it is also very smelly, google it and you can find a picture.

    Love the blog, have just got into looking at them.


  9. Jeremy Jul 2, 2008 11:57 AM

    Question answered … sweet! If we had cut the egg at a different angle, it might have been more obvious. These pics of the phallus impudicus egg are spot on, especially this one.

    Thanks Jacquey!

  10. Sue Moore May 21, 2013 10:33 AM

    Definitely a Stinkhorn pod …we found some in our yard and cut them open. They look the same as you found and googled them. We get Stinkhorns in our garden in the spring.

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