Entertainment Week: Movies/Television

Posted on Aug 4, 2008 at 8:22 AM in Entertainment Week, Movies, Television

Welcome to Entertainment Week on the Prairie Box. Audience participation required (suggested? demanded?). It’s the first week of August which means summer, as we know it, is quickly coming to an end. So this week I’m interested in what the masses do for fun.

Today’s question isn’t limited to summer viewing though:

What is one of the best movies and one of the best television programs you’ve seen in 2008? And why?

(Only answer why if you can do so without dropping spoilers. Oh spoilers! The bane of my non-cable-watching existence!)

I’ll go first. For movies I’ll pick Wall-E for all its Pixar-y goodness. It was great to see a movie on the big screen that my whole family could really enjoy. And while watching the film, I was very aware that I wasn’t catching every fascinating detail, that there was a lot more to discover during future viewings. Wa-a-ll-eeeee! Ev-ah! Who could resist such charm? For tv shows I’ll go with a recent delivery from my Blockbuster queue: Mad Men. I almost quit watching the show (note that it’s not recommended for everyone) because it got dark and somewhat discouraging. But I love history that comes alive and with Mad Men I’m constantly wondering about historical accuracy as it relates to the show’s central office, a marketing firm on Madison Avenue. It may not be the “best” of 2008, but certainly one of the most interesting programs I’ve seen.


  1. Andrew Aug 4, 2008 9:31 AM

    First to comment!
    I whole-heartedly agree with your movie pick Wall-E. Ev-ah!

    As for the best of tv, I am a huge fan of the crud on MTV2 and VH1. I find myself planted in front of tv whenever Tila Tequila, I New York, I Love Money or Real World Road Rules Challenge comes on. I know I’m in a very silent minority here, but at least I can admit my guilty pleasures. Oh well. Oh yeah, Friday Night Lights is returning October 1st!

  2. Candace Prosser Aug 4, 2008 9:35 AM

    For years my husband and i did not have cable nad the local stations did not tune into our home, so we checked out movies from the local library.

    Upon moving to MD we decided that a triple cable, internet, phone package was what wewanted and we began watching TV on occasion.

    Well, needless to say we are now addicted to House. MY husband is a huge Sir A. C. Doyle fan and this is supposed to be a modern take. I am facinated by all things medical and love Hugh Laury. Not for children under 17 due to content and language.

    I am a sucker for Romantic Comedy when I can’t sleep. I usually fold clothes while watching. It generally isn’t so serious that if I have to leave the room for a minute I would miss to much of the story line.

    I recently rented P.S. I love you and my local Redbox…it was pretty good. THe characters had moral issues, but they never claimed to be religious. But the tidbits of Irish culture, Gerard Butler doing a hilarious belly dance for Hillary Swank (they are married in the movie) amd the theme of losing you true love was great….I cried so many times.

  3. Candace Prosser Aug 4, 2008 9:44 AM

    Oh I forgot Black Gold on TruTV. My husband and I lvied in TX around the descendents of the origianl TX roughnecks and so we understand what goes on more than most.

  4. bobw Aug 4, 2008 10:41 AM

    yeah, it’s gotta be Wall-E. We all loved it!

    I dont think I’ve watched anything worth remembering on TV yet this year, except maybe the NBA finals. some of that was pretty good. I REALLY hope the Olympics dont anger me as much as they have in the past (more commercials/fluff than sports) but I’m not holding my breath.

  5. Lindsey Aug 4, 2008 12:19 PM

    I don’t know if I have a favorite of movies yet (I’m going to pre-emptively say Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince) but at the encouragement of many, I started watching LOST and LOVE. IT. It’s one of those TV shows I just know I’ll come back to watch again and again.

    I have to say that I wasn’t terribly enamored with Wall-E. I thought it was original, but of recent Pixar, I like Ratataouille better.

  6. Sarah M Aug 4, 2008 12:22 PM

    I agree wholeheartedly–we haven’t had cable since…well never! Stefan’s parents have DVR and we are ADDICTED to HOUSE as well!! We have all 3 seasons on box set and we have watched each episode probably 3-4 times! It is SOO good (however, season 4 was kinda weird…hopefully they’ll get back on track after the writers’ strike).
    My fav. movie was Atonement or Sweeney Todd. I generally don’t like horror movies (but love johnny depp’s bizarre roles) but this was outstanding–definitely not for Liv’s eyes, though. Atonement was a great movie as I find there are not many movies that deal with sin in a significant way–you’ve read the book, you know!

  7. charity Aug 4, 2008 12:24 PM

    We’ve loved 30 Rock on TV. And look forward to season 2 of Ugly Betty released on DVD. :)

  8. Bethany Aug 4, 2008 1:11 PM

    We’ll join the non-cable crowd. Favorite movies in the theatre this summer have been Wall-E and The Dark Knight. We’ve been watching lots of great older movies via Netflix, too.

    Speaking of which, Mad Men has been at the top of my queue since long before it released on DVD, and I still haven’t gotten it! It’s currently listed as “very long wait” on Netflix…boo hoo.

  9. Jason Aug 4, 2008 1:23 PM

    One of my favorite movies this year was “Speed Racer”, which I’m sure most folks dismissed as purely kiddie fluff, but I found it very creative, inventive, and yes, fun.

    As for TV shows, Renae and I are huge fans of “Burn Notice” on the USA channel. Sort of like a bizarre mix of “Alias”, “Macguyver”, and James Bond. Lots of humor, action, and style.

  10. Sarah B. Aug 4, 2008 2:07 PM

    Hmmm…does it still count if it came out in 2007, but I didn’t see it until 2008?? If so, then I’ll make a brief list. We’ve seen so many great movies, hard to narrow it down:

    Gone Baby Gone
    Away From Her
    Bella (just saw it…WONDERFUL!!)
    The Diving Bell and the Butterfly
    Michael Clayton
    The Dark Knight (also just saw it…loved every minute of it.)

    There are so many more, yet whenever I have to think of them, for some reason, my mind goes blank!! 2007 seemed to be a particularly great Oscar year, so we’ve been getting our fill of them on DVD. Just recently saw, “La Vien Rose,” it it was pretty good, not quite as good as I expected. But Marion Cotillard (sp?) was excellent..totally deserving of her Oscar.

    And of course, you probably already know the LOST would top my list of favorite tv shows!! The past couple of years, too, I’ve gotten a bit addicted to “So you think you can dance.” Perhaps it cause I secretly always wanted to be a dancer!!

    Haven’t seen “Mad Men,” but have heard great things about it, Bec. Maybe we’ll check it out!

  11. Sarah B. Aug 4, 2008 2:10 PM

    Oops! I just remembered one of my absolute favorite of recently: Lars and the Real Girl. Loved it, loved it, loved it. :)

  12. Kerri Aug 4, 2008 2:45 PM

    I’m with Lindsey–I thought Ratatouille was better than Wall-E. I also have to agree with Sarah B.–Lars and the Real Girl was great, and a wonderful depiction of the importance of community.

    As for TV, we have recently stumbled upon a new series called “Factory”. It reminds of a blue-collar version of “The Office” in the type of humor it has.
    Look for it on DVD next year, probably, if you don’t have cable.
    We also like 30 Rock and The Big Bang Theory, on NBC and CBS respectively.

  13. Jeannette Aug 4, 2008 3:18 PM

    i’m all over House

  14. Craig Aug 4, 2008 4:44 PM

    I enjoyed Wall-E, but it didn’t blow me away in terms of the story (though the animation and production was, as always, Pixar-great). Love the “Wall-E/E-vah” thing (especially when my kids do it.

    The Dark Knight (review here – no spoilers) was probably the best view of the summer cinema, with X-Files as a sentimental favorite. Then again, I don’t get out much.

    Megan and I watched the first two seasons of Lost via DVD (we’re just starting season three) but the jury’s still out for me as to the show. Even watching 2 episodes at a time, it’s like watching paint dry.

    We don’t have cable, and I don’t watch much TV, but I hope to endure NBC’s anticipated overproduction of the Olympics enough to see a little of China and something like a sporting event.

  15. Haley Aug 4, 2008 9:38 PM

    I have to agree with Charity about 30 Rock. I never watched it much on TV, but a friend of Dan’s from work loaned us the DVDs, and it is hilarious. Kind of like Arrested Development in that it gets funnier as you watch and learn more about the characters.And you have watched Arrested Development, right? I know it’s not a 2008 show, but I’m just checking to see if I need to mail you my copy. I will do it.

    And I am so behind on movies, I don’t have anything to offer except that I like Wall-E. I thought it had pretty music.

  16. Jamie Aug 5, 2008 6:50 AM

    ack! we are so out-of-the-loop! but we still have picks over here..

    LOVE house, recently gotten hooked on watching grey’s anatomy — also big american idol fans. all of it we gotta watch by download, DVD, or youtube, so we generally get into one thing and watch all of it, wait a few weeks, and stumble across something new. bad news for the spare time when you find a show you REALLY like.

    MOVIES: stardust. i loved it because of its creativity and imagination, also very funny — but i’m coming to realize i’m a big story and fantasy person. i really enjoy the metaphor of fantasy films and think it speaks more deeply to my heart. i also really liked “prince caspian”

    we are so behind! the dark night hits theaters here in Japan at the end of August (maybe the 20th?) and since we still don’t have cable over here (and if we did, we wouldn’t understand it), we’re more behind than we were in America.. *sigh* it has its benefits, though..

  17. Aubrey Aug 5, 2008 11:06 AM

    I loved WAll-E. I also saw the movie “Once” this year, which was phenomenal with a great soundtrack. Juno and Bella were also rental favorites.

    For TV, I like without a trace, or ugly betty, and the office.

  18. Bethany Aug 5, 2008 1:47 PM

    I finally just saw Ratatouille a few weeks ago, and I was totally underwhelmed. Probably my least favorite Pixar movie so far.

    I second (or third or whatever) 30 Rock – it’s a consistently great show.

  19. Lindsey Aug 5, 2008 2:42 PM

    I think I must have completely forgotten the movies I’ve seen this year–The Dark Knight was amazing. And since NO ONE has mentioned it, hello people, what about Kit Kittredge, an American Girl? While not about to make my top ten, I went with my 9 year old cousin and thought it was charming, and a great movie for kids–particularly for its historical viewpoint on the Depression from a kid’s view.

  20. Jason Aug 6, 2008 11:47 AM

    I must also confess to a strange fascination with “Randy Jackson Presents America’s Best Dance Crew”. I don’t watch it regularly, but if I come across it, I can’t help but watch. I’m a sucker for b-boys poppin’ and lockin’.

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