Field Trip!

Posted on May 14, 2010 at 12:27 PM in Livia, Parenting, Photography


I always thought I’d be *that* mom who did cool things for her kid’s class, cool things like go on field trips. Yet I must confess that the idea of going on field trips with preschoolers (much less volunteering in their classroom) sounded pretty awful. I am profoundly grateful for the awesome women who teach my child’s class—God bless ’em—they are some kind of special.

After the first field trip this year, Livia caught on and realized that other mommies drove them to the destinations. And she wanted her mom to do it, too. So, on this last field trip of the year, on Livia’s birthday no less, I joined the kids.

And I had fun. Imagine that.

It was Liv’s birthday and the destination was the Pioneers Park Nature Center. Totally fitting for my nature kid! Despite the fact it was cold and really windy, the class had a great time and I had fun getting to know her classmates a bit better.

Kindergarten field trips, here we come.


  1. Sarah B. May 14, 2010 1:09 PM

    You and I are two peas in a pod, in more ways than one! I am with ya, 100%, on the whole “I’d rather be doing something else” than helping with a school field trip. (Or in the class room!) Weren’t you and I the teens who hated to babysit…and did it only for the money?? Ha!

    There are parent helpers I think about every day at Calvin’s kindergarten. And believe me, I also am SO thankful for all his teachers and all those helpers. But secretly, I’m a little glad that I can’t really volunteer at this time, due to Quinlyn. I won’t be able to use that excuse forever! They’re taking their first big field trip to the Magic House on tuesday and needed a few parent chaperones. 4 kindergarten classes at the Magic House all morning…NOT my idea of a good time!! (For a grown-up, anyway.)

  2. Laurie May 16, 2010 11:09 PM

    Rebecca….since I’m seeing this from both sides of the fence (as a preschool teacher and a mom)….some of my best memories are helping with my kids’ field trips……sometimes tedious, if I was in charge of a group of kids (esp. older ones!!!!)….AND now, it seems hard to get enough moms/dads to volunteer to drive/help because so many moms are working outside the home. Keep helping with those field trips…you’ll never regret it!

  3. Rebecca May 18, 2010 9:54 AM

    Thanks, Laurie! I imagine I’ll enjoy those older kid trips more than you considering you’re a preschool teacher and I’m certified to teach middle schoolers. ; )

  4. Rebecca May 18, 2010 10:50 AM

    Sarah, peas in a pod is right. Catch me up on your kiddos sometime soon. I want to hear how they’re doing!

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