
Posted on Sep 11, 2012 at 11:19 AM in Family, Livia, Parenting

Lately I’ve been extra anxious about Livia at school. So when you ask me how the new school is going, you might get a blank stare before I cobble together something like, “Oh, it’s good. I’m just trying to figure things out.” I’ve been more shaken by the newness of it all than I’d like to admit. There have been lots of conversations with Jeremy and friends about what Livia needs, how to get it, and why I’m such a mess as I stumble through the process.

I value stability. I value intimately knowing a particular place and understanding how my family fits into it. Once nicely settled, I’m as spontaneous as the next person, but until that point, I’m apparently a bit of a mess. School, and the challenges Livia in particular faces at school, is a battle ground. Sure, the educators and I are on the same side, but it takes awhile to figure it all out.

Enter the Moms in Touch prayer group. Now called, simply, Moms in Prayer.

Yesterday I met with a new set of moms (for this new school we’re now in) and we remembered that our God is FAITHFUL. He is constant, loyal, reliable, steadfast, unwavering, devoted, true and dependable.

Amen. I could end there, with that reminder that my shaky ground isn’t really all that shaky. No, in fact it’s rock solid because Christ is my sure, steady and always-faithful foundation. However, I was struck most by the time of intercessory prayer. Each mom prayed for the woman to her left by reciting the following verses with her child or children’s names in the blank spots. I usually get teary during this part as I have such worry in my own heart that I’m overwhelmed with how much God loves my child. I’m also overwhelmed that someone else would pray so intimately for my child.

We have lots of needs in this house. We have a lot to pray for. But as my husband so gently reminds me, the biggest need our child has is for a loving Savior. And she’s got that, because He has got her. Thank you, God, for caring for my daughter far better than I even know or understand. Thank you for the blessing she is to me.

We all need to be reminded that God is big enough to care for all our needs. Feel free to insert your child’s name—or your own—in the blanks below:

Lord, show _______ that your ways are perfect and your word is flawless. Be _______’s shield as s/he takes refuge in you (2 Samuel 22:31). Let _______’s heart be good soil, that _______ might hear your word, retain it, and persevere to produce a crop of godly character and effectiveness for your kingdom. Don’t let the worries, riches or pleasures of this life choke your word and make it unfruitful in _______’s life. Let his/her roots go down deep, so s/he can stand firm in times of testing (Luke 8:11-15). Do not let _______ merely listen to the word and so be deceived. Let _______ do what it says (James 1:22). Let the word of Christ dwell in _______ richly as _______ and his/her peers teach and admonish one another with gratitude in his/her heart toward God (Colossians 3:16). Make your word a lamp to _______’s feet and a light for _______’s path (Psalm 119:105).


  1. tara Sep 11, 2012 12:10 PM

    i prayed this over rowan before he went down for nap :) love mom’s in touch. and love you!

  2. Jan Wismer Sep 11, 2012 12:35 PM

    Even when a child seems to have jumped through all the education hoops with flying colors, the need for this prayer is no less necessary. In fact, it is more necessary because of the temptation to be self-sufficient and to lean on one’s own understanding. Thanks so much for posting this, Becca.

  3. Jen Sep 11, 2012 1:36 PM

    Just prayed this for my Rebecca in her new school setting. Now I am also even more motivated to find my Moms in Prayer group at Norris.
    I think you answered, “Oh, good. I am just trying to figure some things out,” when I asked you how school was going for Liv. :)
    Praying for your family!

  4. Karma Larsen Sep 11, 2012 3:26 PM

    Beautiful. Thanks for posting, Rebecca.

  5. Claudia Sep 11, 2012 6:21 PM

    Would like a copy on card stock to keep it close to pray for all my grandchildren. Wonderful time to meet together to pray for your children.

  6. ashley Sep 13, 2012 2:47 PM

    thank you for sharing this. i appreciate it (also the prayer is so so rich!).

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