Park Play

Posted on May 11, 2013 at 8:48 PM in Family, Livia, Photography

Staying at home most of the day on a bee-u-tiful Saturday afternoon was unacceptable. I got the itch to go out and accidentally managed to drop in the camera store a minute before closing time. I’ll save that outing for sometime next week. Livia and I also ran into my friend Jill, her mom and her three little ones—a fun, unexpected surprise! After that we went to Holmes Lake, shared some dinner and played. Liv’s version of playing involved lots and lots of swinging. My child could swing for hours it seems. My version of playing involved my new little point-and-shoot. We’re still in that getting-to-know-you phase, but I feel like we’ll be a fine match.

So far I’ve discovered the Canon Powershot SX210 IS is adorable and teeny, has a lovely wide angle that comes in handy for landscape shots and it will satisfy my macro desires until I can afford a lens for my dSLRs. I can set it to Manual and then manipulate aperture and shutter speeds to my liking. There are a lot of funny little settings—kids and pets? faux tilt-shift? fireworks anyone?—and I plan to monkey with those as well. This little guy will never replace the incredible precision and clarity of my Nikon D2x, but that’s not what I’m asking it to do. I want it to submit to my photographic will and to sit nicely in my bag when I travel. I think it’ll suit me just fine.






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