Third Grade!

Posted on Aug 13, 2013 at 7:39 AM in Livia, Parenting






Father God,
Watch over your beloved Livia today on her first day back to school. Be her strength and her stronghold, her solid rock while the rest of her world is changing and still unsettled. May she know that your spirit is with her all day long and that you comfort her. Please bless her with a quieted mind that is eager to learn, a heart of compassion for befriending others, and a spirit of joy that is contagious. Give her at least one friend today, Father; one person who understands imagination and creativity and exuberance. I am so grateful that you love her far more than I can even fathom. May your grace mark our household and your love bolster us to love others today.
In Jesus’s Name, amen.


  1. Monica Aug 13, 2013 10:51 AM


  2. Renae Aug 13, 2013 11:51 AM

    That last smile is my happy thought for the day. Oh my. I’m crying…who is surprised?

  3. Lindsey Aug 13, 2013 1:40 PM

    I’ve been fortunate to make some of my lifelong friends when I was just a kid-3rd grade for one. It always makes me excited to encounter kids of those same ages I was then and tell them that maybe they too, will meet a friend this year who will stand by them on the playground, at church camp, high school choir, college cafeteria, in a coffee shop, up on stage at your wedding, on your couch with your first baby.

    I hope Liv makes one of those friends this year :)

  4. Andy Aug 13, 2013 1:50 PM


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