Category Archive: Adoption


“The pink bundle flies at midnight!”

I’ve been quite cryptic about the pink bundle on the blog. There are no Adoption Blogging for Dummies guidelines that I am aware of, so we’re making up the rules as we go. The truth is, the world has access to this page… There are some things I share here, other things I don’t want to share, and things that I want to share but discernment says not to. So….

The pink bundle indeed flies at midnight.

All praise and honor and glory to God for orchestrating such an amazing change in our lives. We are approximately two days from meeting our daughter for the first time. We are joyous, anxious, excited, grateful and a myriad of other emotions in the quiet moments of the day.

Soon the pink bundle will be a daily reality. At that point, we’ll introduce her to Blogland with great pride.

Lessons in Faith

Every once in awhile I get the urge to seek out other adoption opportunities, just to see if one will be a better fit for us than the private attorney route we’re currently engaged in. Every single time I’ve made phone calls to other adoption agencies I’ve hung up the phone with disappointment. Here’s why…

Today I called Bethany Christian Services — they do both domestic and international adoptions and I’ve heard good firsthand reports about them. I asked for a general picture of the fees charged for a domestic adoption. Wanna hear it?
– $500 formal application fee
– $2,000 adoptive family assessment fee
– $3,000 approval of homestudy
– $13,000 placement/post-placement fees
– $1,050 I can’t remember because my head was spinning

Now, just yesterday Stu said that God owns all the money in the world, meaning: He can accomplish anything, no matter its pricetag. So, yes, God can allow us to adopt a baby through Bethany… But let’s lay aside matters of sovereignty for one moment, HOLY CRAP! Who the heck has that kind of money?????

Make no mistake about it. When we adopt a child or give birth to one, it will be a miracle. I have no idea how or when this event will happen, but when it does we will all acknowledge it as an act of God.