Zoo Hell

Posted on May 9, 2003 at 10:15 PM in Uncategorized

I went to Zoo Hell today.

It was dark and humid, full of people and a little stinky. It was the Nocturnal exhibit at Henry Doorly Zoo.

I went in against my better judgment, at the desire of my loving husband of five years. Afterall, it was a special date day and marriage is nothing if not compromise. So in we went. Within minutes, standing in almost pitch-darkness in the child-congested corridor I knew I had entered some strange netherworld. It was only a few steps further where the younglings’ loud shouts and shrieks echoed off the black cavern walls into displays of various creatures of the dark, where the warm, stifling, stagnant air practically sucked the breath from my lungs that I knew I had entered Zoo Hell. We then double-timed it past the reptiles and insects, past the bats, past the swamp area where we briefly saw a ghostly alligator (or was it a crocodile? don’t care, just get me out!!), jostling millions of small children, big children, strollers and backpacks, and finally out the exit door.

Zoo Heaven is sunshine and a clean breeze. Room to smile at and walk alongside the large numbers of yellow-shirted 4 to 10 year olds from McKinley Elementary School. It’s a special date day with my loving husband on an absolutely beautiful day in May. And it was appreciated all the more after Zoo Hell was conquered.


  1. lindsay May 10, 2003 2:14 PM

    personally, i think the aquarium better fits the definition of ‘zoo hell.’
    but then, that’s just because of my intense fear of sharks.

  2. bethany, not a fan of zoos May 10, 2003 3:46 PM

    i think pretty much ALL of the zoo fits the category of zoo hell.

  3. andrew May 10, 2003 6:21 PM

    ideally, all zoos would be the petting variety. i like feeding goats and sheep and stuff.

  4. andrew May 10, 2003 6:23 PM

    lindsay, you’ve got a petting zoo.

  5. rebecca May 10, 2003 8:09 PM

    andrew, do you like feeding birds with half-beaks and exposed tongues? hee, hee.

    it was my idea to go to the zoo. i think we’ve filled our zoo quota for the next year or two.

  6. andrew May 11, 2003 2:45 AM

    burning hot pavement and $4 frozen lemon drinks don’t cut it for me. give me some kids to take to the zoo for a day and i’ll be happy as long as i don’t have to go in the gay desert thingy. that sucked. i couldn’t see anything because of the suffocating numbers.

  7. lindsay May 13, 2003 8:06 PM

    that’s true, i do live at a petting zoo.
    and lemon drinks only cost $2.

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