
Posted on Aug 7, 2003 at 9:36 AM in Uncategorized

I love it! It’s political races like this that make life interesting. I’m putting my money on Ahnuld.


  1. lindsay Aug 7, 2003 4:32 PM

    did you know that bethany has met ahnold?
    oh, it is true.

  2. rebecca Aug 7, 2003 10:27 PM

    do tell, b!

    jeremy loves arnold flicks… and yes, i’ve seen T1-3.

  3. lindsay Aug 8, 2003 4:58 PM

    she’s in st. louis right now.
    but as the story goes, when she was younger, she met him in aspen, colorado in a cigar shop or something. i think her dad made her get his autograph.

  4. bethany Aug 10, 2003 9:08 PM

    good memory, lindsay! that’s exactly what happened. my parents had seen him and maria (his wife) walking around town the previous day, and we were all in the car waiting for my mom to get something from the grocery store down the street, when arnold walked by and went into a cigar store right by us. my dad made me get his autograph because i was the only kid brave enough to, and my dad didn’t think it’d be cool for a grown man to ask for it. so he sent me in and i asked for his autograph. he said “sure.” and i stood there while he paid for his cigars and the cigar selling girls stood there smiling idiotically at me, making me feel really stupid even at the tender age of 12 or whatever. and then he signed my piece of paper, i said thanks, and he said “you’re welcome” (must imagine the accent here) and i left. the end.

    it’s too bad he can never be president, cause then i could say i met the president. oh well.

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