Year One

Posted on Mar 9, 2004 at 2:11 PM in Uncategorized

I’m getting to some unnamed point in my life where “time flies.” For so long I’ve ignored the wisdom of those who’ve gone before me, those who say things like, The years pass by so quickly — I still feel like I’m 30 (speaketh the 50 year old man). I’ve poo-pooed their notions, thinking blah, blah, blah, whatever! And here I am today… Saying the exact same thing.

Time flies.

One year ago today I began The Blog. I was not at all certain I wanted to record my thoughts on such a visible setting. I knew that I’d have to watch my words, carefully choosing what to post and what to delete. I knew that readers of the blog might begin to see me in a different light because of my blogging, good light or bad, my words may change their opinions of me. But over the past year I’ve learned a few things…

1) Not all my thoughts are recorded on The Blog. Some things are too personal to put here, and other things are just too ridiculous.

2) I do indeed have to watch my words. At times I’d like to fly by the seat of my pants, throw caution to the wind, [insert favorite colloquialism here] and just say exactly what’s on my mind. But I don’t live my life that way. My blog, an expression of Rebecca Lawton Tredway, must reflect the way I choose to live my life. My dad always said: First you think, then speak, then act. So here I am, trying to take dad’s words to heart.

3) It’s a good thing to live honestly, discarding the masks that hide your true personality to others. I used to be completely preoccupied with what other people thought of me (or rather, what I thought they thought of me — it’s quite twisted actually). The Blog has been quite helpful in shaking this preoccupation. And along with coworkers, friends and my husband, I’ve been encouraged to be less concerned with what others may think of me (emphasis on “may”) and to live faithfully in this personality God created.

All this to say that, and yes I know I’m getting old, TIME FLIES. In June I’ll celebrate six years of marriage. My friends’ children are turning one, two and three years old already. Our church has been in this “new” location for eight years now. My parents are _ _ years old (this shocks me because I recently filled out a form and accidentally made them eight years younger). I’ve maintained friendships that are older than some junior high kids in our youth group. In fact, I diapered, fed, burped and read to most of these junior high kids during my babysitting days. I’m getting old.

Happy first birthday, Blog!


  1. sarah Mar 9, 2004 5:28 PM

    “happy, bloggie birthday, from all of us to you…we wish it was our blog’s birthday, so we could party too!” lalala….

  2. lindsay Mar 9, 2004 6:47 PM

    if it makes a difference, i don’t think you’re that old…
    although i’m sure that you’ve babysat me at one time or another.

  3. rt Mar 9, 2004 7:44 PM

    oh yes i did, dd. at least twice, if not more. i remember reading little house on the prairie to you as you went to sleep! (that lindsay — always a’readin!)

  4. charity Mar 9, 2004 8:59 PM

    i have memories of lindsay as a youngin’ running around horn creek with the pappulous (sp?) and urish kids! ohhh… the days when lindsay was a youngin’….

  5. charity Mar 9, 2004 9:00 PM

    i have memories of lindsay as a youngin’ running around horn creek with the pappulous (sp?) and urish kids! ohhh… the days when lindsay was a youngin’….

  6. charity Mar 9, 2004 9:01 PM

    oops. ;)

  7. rt Mar 9, 2004 9:04 PM

    i could delete one of those… but what the heck, it made me laugh! ; )

  8. lindsay Mar 10, 2004 8:12 PM

    the more memories, the better, charity.

  9. sarah Mar 11, 2004 12:38 PM

    i have memories of lindsay as a youngin’ running around, wearing a full indian costume every single day, everywhere she went… oh wait, that was yesterday. haha….

    sorry, that wasn’t very funny, but i had to say it. (the truth is that she did use to wear that indian costume every day, but i didn’t know her then.)

  10. charity Mar 12, 2004 9:26 AM

    i don’t remember lindsay wearing the indian costumes, but i do remember bryson wearing one all the time on our trips to horn creek. that was back when he thought i was cool. :)

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