Idol Chatter

Posted on Apr 22, 2004 at 3:04 PM in Uncategorized

Okay, so I’ve had a lot of free time this week. For those of you who are interested, I just started some meds to help rid my body of its crazy inflammatory arthritis. The start of the week saw me in a position of pain and incompetence, the end sees me healing up and starting to get well (no small thing, praise the Lord!). I’m basically taking a homebound vacation from work and that explains the loads of free time spent blogging and commenting (and the need for a good book).

Comment #1 about “American Idol”:
Jeremy and I watched much of the audition clip show aired earlier this week and I was horrified, horrified! to hear this type of phrase uttered by many contestants: “Yeah, I’m kinda nervous. This is the first time I’ve ever done this.” What? You mean that the first time you’ve ever auditioned for a singing role is in front of nationally-known celebrities? ARE YOU CLINICALLY INSANE? You think you can sing, not to mention become America’s next pop idol, and you’ve never tried out for a) an elementary school talent show, b) a junior high choir, c) a senior high musical or d) a community theater performance? Never??? All of a sudden, when a multitude of cameras are present and the entire nation has access to your audition tape, you think you can sing? Oh. My. Goodness. Something is very wrong with these people. I’m stopping myself just short of saying, You deserve to be laughed at!

Comment #2 about “American Idol”:
I’m wondering if a campaign exists to elect redheaded high schooler John Stevens as the next American Idol. Last night the unthinkable happened… The top three performers were the receivers of the least amount of votes — and one of the show’s best singers, Jennifer Hudson, was voted off. Maybe this is due in part to people like me who watch the program but don’t vote. If so, AI is bound to crack and fall apart this season. Personally, I think it’d be hysterical for the viewing public to vote the worst singer (John Stevens) as #1. Can you imagine the response from the judges, not to mention the producers?? Ha!

John-boy needs to go back to school. The kid sure mimics old schoolers pretty well, but face it — he can’t hold a note to save his life. The other youngsters, Jasmine and Diana, belt out their songs with the best of young Broadway performers but they are definitely lacking maturity. You can just imagine them singing all the plum roles in their high school musicals. George Huff is an excellent performer but he doesn’t stand a chance against the (formerly) three left. Poor poor Jennifer Hudson… Her dismissal was so unfair. Hopefully she’ll get some good opportunities out of this crazy deal. Here’s to Fantasia and LaToya as the final two! My opinion may change, but I think Fantasia’s the best. Not that I’m voting or anything…


  1. Jeremy Apr 22, 2004 4:29 PM

    Fantasia is the queen!

  2. bethany Apr 22, 2004 5:33 PM

    I can say proudly that I’ve never watched an entire episode of American Idol, but Karen and I caught a bit of that audition clip show. I know several people who say it’s the only part of the season they watch, because it’s hilarious to see the people who can’t sing. But I actualy find it to be the most painful part to watch. I’m sure some of those people are being bad on purpose, and that’s fine…but I feel really badly for the poor uninformed people who think they have a shot at it and are ripped apart and mocked by everyone on national television. True, they bring it upon themselves to an extent, but that doesn’t mean I should heap more scorn on them.

    Karen and I have been singing that one Hawaiian girl’s song to ourselves all week long. Why was she rejected?! I found her voice infinitely more enjoyable than Kelly, Clay, Reuben, or anyone else I’ve ever heard on American Idol. “American Idol in Hawaii…”

  3. charity Apr 22, 2004 6:36 PM

    i have to admit i try and catch it on tuesday nights. john stevens needs to go! i read an article that a better way for the voting to occur would be for AI have them vote for those they didn’t like rather than those they did, then it would be more difficult for a conspiracy to happen. go fantasia!

  4. karen Apr 22, 2004 7:22 PM

    did anyone else hear the hawaiian girl? it was a great song. it made me want to learn to play the ukulele. unfortunately we only know the one line of the song “american idol in hawaii-ah-i-ee” so that’s what we’ve been singing since monday.

  5. rt Apr 22, 2004 8:14 PM

    i loved the hawaiian girl, too! her ukelele song rocked. i also liked the chipper army girl — cute personality with good voice.

    i don’t feel too bad for those getting ripped apart on national tv. they waited endlessly in lines, then i’m sure they had to sign contracts to audition — they should have known what they were getting into. besides all that, why would anyone believe they could sing if they had never performed in front of people before? and there’s no way in the world those “bad” singers were allowed audiences in other venues.

  6. unclesteve Apr 29, 2004 2:04 PM

    Idol is addictive, revealing the power of pop culture to suck in an enormous audience with very little content, marginal talent, karoke on steriods, and a LOT of advertising.

    Still, it was fun to see Ruben get treated with dignity, even though it will take front AND back of a CD to print one picture of him.

    I liked John, not because he was that great–his pitch wandered–but because he was so mature for 16–he took every bullet like a man. It was cruel to ask him to sing latin pop.

    Simon is frighteningly accurate in his nightly analysis. LaToya will win IMHO, but does not deserve to, also, IMHO.

  7. rebecca Apr 29, 2004 8:29 PM

    hey uncle steve! i wouldn’t have figured you’d watch AI… but i’m pleasantly surprised. : )

    i wish the show could be more of a talent show that featured artists and their original music — say with guitars or pianos or something.

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