Catching Up

Posted on May 12, 2004 at 11:21 AM in Uncategorized

The days slow for no man.

The new spring blossoms outdoors don’t wait to open. The graduating high school seniors, newly married couples and twosomes in their first romances can’t pause for me to savor their moments. The world keeps on churning, days keep on passing and life keeps on going.

I’m glad to get a chance to catch up.

I’m coming out of an arthritis-induced fog right now. I’m finally waking from a haze of Alleve and Tylenol Arthritis, tight muscles and swollen joints, waking every other hour of the night and finally rising in the morning because the pain is too much to bear laying down. I’m emerging from a cocoon of helpers — Jeremy, tucking me in at night and moving my pillows in a more comfortable position; Mom, loading and unloading days’ worth of dishes too heavy for my fingers; Dad, potting pansies and mowing the lawn. All praise for the fog-lifting goes to God, Creator of Rebecca, this world and medicine… Much gratitude also goes to a lovely, lovely steroid called prednisone. Ah, prednisone — my miracle drug!

After I was diagnosed with diabetes at age 16, I can remember wishing that I had sampled every single dessert at the Garden Cafe before my pancreas pooped out. I’d walk into the restaurant after my diagnosis and gaze longingly at the creamy chocolate desserts encased in glass domes, realizing how I never fully appreciated them before. I’ve felt similar twinges recently — with a twist, because now I’m feeling so much better than I have in many weeks — but really… How many times are you GRATEFUL for being able to walk to your car, up the stairs, down the street, to your bedroom, etc, etc, without pain? True answer? Hardly ever!! When you get off the toilet, without pain, are you singing hallelujahs? No way!

Today I am literally singing the Hallelujah Chorus every time I get off the porcelain throne. Seriously.

None of us know when our lives will change. None of us have any clue whether we’ll be in good health or bad when we wake tomorrow, whether we’ll have our good friends and loved ones close to us still, whether our houses will still be standing, our cars still running, our hearts still pumping. We have so much to be grateful for… in this moment… today. So take a second and thank the good Lord for the good things He’s given you… like being able to maneuver off the toilet in a pain-free fashion. [Smile]


  1. sarah May 12, 2004 3:45 PM

    thanks for these comments.

  2. kerri May 13, 2004 10:54 AM

    I would love to have a CD of RT’s “Hallelujah Chorus and other Bathroom Odes”. Let me know if that is forthcoming.
    But more seriously, I identify with your thoughts. I have a friend of the family (whose daughter was our flower girl 21 years ago) who has lived with ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease) for years; cannot talk on her own, breathe on her own, do anything…and I complain about all the dirty laundry that is naturally generated by a household of nine. Thank you, God, for the energy and ability to perform the multitude of mundane yet God-glorifying, everyday tasks, and help me to be content and enjoy the “joy in the journey”, this moment, today.

  3. rebecca May 13, 2004 12:37 PM

    hee hee. i was belting out an old sandi patty song this morning, kerri — you would’ve appreciated it!

    praising God for laundry… i got over-zealous yesterday, in my enthusiasm for feeling good, and briefly considered doing laundry. doing dishes won out. but praise God for the ability to do the laundry! today i’m a little deflated, a little more swollen than yesterday… day by day, this is a journey.

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