Lipstick and Self-Esteem

Posted on Jul 27, 2004 at 10:36 AM in Uncategorized

The stay-at-home mom’s work apparel is negotiable. She could just as easily wash bottles and clean toilets in her pajamas as well as in shorts and a t-shirt. I was aware of this truth prior to bringing Livia home and was prepared for at least one aspect of the transition from working outside the home to working inside the home. I once heard another mom say that she needed to shower and get dressed each day, just as she would for any other job. (Those of you with kids understand that the seemingly simple tasks of showering and dressing are not simple whatsoever when you are caring for every need of another human being.) I’m quickly realizing that my self-esteem is based, at least to a degree, on the way I present myself physically. If I’m scruffy all day long, in junky jean shorts and a t-shirt with little to no makeup, I don’t exactly feel great about myself. It’s important for me to maintain a respectable persona apart from the dirtier aspects of stay-at-home mommyhood… So this is my goal: to wake up each day, find a few moments to spend quietly in God’s Word, and to bathe and get dressed in clothes other people can see me in. If you happen to see me around town in a sweatsuit and no lipstick, smack me hard, quote this blog entry, and send me home.

This photo has nothing to do with the above paragraph (and yes, I did add it after posting the other stuff)… other than the fact that it makes me feel better about myself when I do go out in sweats and no makeup. Hee hee. (Thanks, Noon, for being so darn photogenic and for being such a good sport as to allow your meanie, blogging sister to show it to the world!)


  1. Jacinda Jul 27, 2004 7:14 PM

    I thought of your blog entry while reading this article—clicking my name will go to it.

  2. charity Jul 27, 2004 9:55 PM

    i remember us making a pact at some point to keep each other accountable for the sweatsuit thing. — drew, well… what can I say? i really don’t know why those covenant girls aren’t lining up at your door.

  3. Sarah B. Jul 27, 2004 10:13 PM

    Rebecca, I whole-heartedly agree with your observation of how your physical appearance affects your daily self-esteem. It has been my goal, since Calvin has been on a very regular schedule (about the past 4-5 months) to do just what you decided to strive for each day. I’ve been terrible lately though! (Not including my current vacation, of course.) It encourages me to see your goal and be reminded to strive for that in my daily life when I get back home. One note of encouragement for you, too: Don’t get too discouraged with yourself if you find it challenging to keep this daily goal and may even slip out of it from time to time. Sometimes you just gotta go with the flow in the life of mommyhood!

  4. andrew Jul 28, 2004 11:17 AM

    you may feel better about your frumpiness given my appearance, however, i have to put on my ‘eggar’ suit everyday and go to work. it’s not easy being green.

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