Hasta La Vista, Blockbuster

Posted on Sep 28, 2004 at 9:36 PM in Uncategorized

Our Blockbuster movie dealio has come to an end. And for anyone who’s counting—yes, we did the deal for two months because, ahem, we didn’t cancel it in time. No real surprise there. I think we’ve ended our two months with two winners: Man on Fire and Winged Migration.

Man on Fire was interesting, violent, disturbing at times and yet hopeful. Sometimes I get a little tired of Denzel, but he did a fantastic job in this one and I really enjoyed his performance. Both Jeremy and I agreed it was one of the better movies we have seen recently, for reasons that I can’t quite articulate right now. Sorry… My movie reviewer skills are failing horrendously.

Winged Migration was beautiful. Jeremy and I are PBS fans and tend to be fascinated by documentaries of the natural world, which thoroughly explains why we enjoyed this flick. The actual movie portion of the DVD was a bit long; we watched it in two sittings. I highly recommend viewing the featurette on the making of the film—very, very cool. I felt every inch the non-filmmaker that I am as I saw what took place behind the scenes and said, “Oh! So it wasn’t just dumb luck that they caught that scene on camera?!?” The movie is due back sometime this week. Hopefully I’ll get to watch the featurette on the film’s music before returning the DVD.


  1. charity Sep 29, 2004 11:28 AM

    i like Winged Migration as well, but only made it through the first 40 minutes or so. it would have been cooler to see at the Ross. i liked the “making of” too!

  2. Jason Sep 29, 2004 5:46 PM

    Agreed, it’s a wonderful movie. However, having seen it on the big screen, I don’t think it should *ever* be seen on a TV. And forgive the shameless promotion, but I did a little reviewy-poo for opuszine.com.

  3. Rebecca Sep 29, 2004 8:32 PM

    Shamelessly promote away, Jason! After seeing Winged Migration I told Jeremy it’d be better to see it on the big screen… I imagine the music and scenery is incredible when viewed that way. Alright. Now I’ve got to go find that reviewy-poo.

  4. dena Sep 30, 2004 10:02 AM

    rt- I made a group of about 10 people watch that movie in our apartment last spring… I talked it up big time (which is always a mistake, especially in a group) with comments like “it got great reviews!” and “jason m says it’s incredible!” (I usually agree with you, jason). Needless to say, out of 10 people, I think I was the only one who really liked it. The rest were either asleep or didn’t understand what the heck I had raved about.

    Oh well. Glad you and Jeremy enjoyed it.

    And on the subject of movies, can someone explain the “Freaks and Geeks” thing to me? Is it a movie/tv series? I can’t ever find anything on it at Blockbuster, so I am at a loss.

  5. Jason Sep 30, 2004 11:18 AM

    “Freaks & Geeks” was a TV series, but they only made 19 episodes or so before it inexplicably got cancelled. If you have Netflix, I’m pretty sure you can get it through there. Actually, just go ahead and pick it up. Amazon has it for $58 and Best Buy has it for $52. Trust me… you will *not* regret it.

  6. Sarah B. Sep 30, 2004 11:58 AM

    I am gasping now after reading your blog and suddenly realizing that we are probably be forced to succumb to another month of movie-madness because we, too, forgot to cancel our membership!!! Auuugghhhhh! We should’ve never signed up to begin with, because I suspected that this would happen. I know our one-month trial expired yesterday…do you think I still have time to cancel it?

    We still a movie sitting on our entertainment center that was rented several weeks ago and still, as of now, has yet to be watched!

    We’re interested in seeing Winged Migration, too. Is it similar to an Imax-type documentary, only a full-length movie?

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