
Posted on Oct 3, 2004 at 8:38 PM in Uncategorized

I’m usually the one behind the camera, but today I asked my dad to take a picture of me, future blog in mind.

I have taken a position on “O” Street as part of the “Life Chain” for years now. In the early days I enjoyed taking a stand for my pro-life beliefs in a public venue. I can remember seeing the Life Chain for the first time and being floored at how many Lincolnites lined this longest main street in the U.S. (not sure if it still is) — and I wanted to be a part of it. As the years passed I grew more outspoken about abortion and desparately wanted to change the minds of pro-choice folks. But this year marked a change in my thinking… Though I’d like to somehow affect someone’s view of abortion, more than ever I just felt the need to voice my opinion. We live in an amazingly awesome country and our rights to free speech are important. Today, the sign I carried spoke my sentiments precisely.

And yes, that is Livia’s stroller at my side. There is a boy at my far left carrying a sign that says, “Adoption: the Loving Option.” He’s adopted. Livia’s adopted. I am profoundly grateful for the birthparents who chose to carry these pregnancies to term rather than abort them as teeny fetuses. Such self-sacrificing folk have given us wonderful opportunities for parenthood. God bless ’em.


  1. Sarah B. Oct 4, 2004 12:25 PM

    Yay, Rebecca, for taking a stand! (Not that I somehow doubted that you would or anything.) But it’s just encouraging to see you faithfully making a public statement about the tragedy of abortion, especially when many other Christians are hesitant to do so. And so appropriate, too, that you now have Livia. You can speak from even more personally on the blessings of choosing life.

    I probably won’t be around in January to walk the painfully cold “Walk for Life” with you this year!! But I’ve so enjoyed the years we’ve done it before.

  2. Rebecca Oct 5, 2004 11:06 AM

    Wasn’t it you, me and Charity who, during our senior year, stood outside a City Council meeting holding our Southeast Students for Life banner? We awoke to our picture on the front page of the Journal Star the next morning! : ) Oh the good ol’ days!

    The Walk for Life — to mark the Roe v. Wade decision someone decided we MUST walk downtown Lincoln every January. I understand the idea, but still! Temperature hovering belowing freezing, toes turning to blocks of ice despite two layers of socks and heavy boots. Ugh. Every year I dread going… It’s the promise of hot cocoa and cookies at the end that gets me there!

    Sarah, I did the Life Chain in St. Louis a couple of times. Surprise, surprise! Pro-lifers are everywhere! ; )

  3. Rebecca Oct 5, 2004 11:07 AM

    Belowing? Nice…

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