I Scream, You Scream

Posted on Nov 16, 2004 at 11:21 AM in Uncategorized

When you find an ice cream store that you really love and when you find ice cream that you just can’t live without, you’ll eat ice cream in the DEAD OF WINTER when all other normal, sane people won’t. After craving Ivanna Cone for days upon days, I finally coaxed Jeremy into getting some last night. Dutch chocolate and pumpkin for him. Dutch chocolate and mint M&M for me.

In the shop, waiting for the ice cream dude to scoop the ice cream, thus granting me wholeness again, I noticed something quite nice. He added more M&M’s to the mint ice cream. How lovely, I remember thinking, that he’s granting me more M&M’s. How very delightful. He then packed up both servings in a take-home bag, I paid him with our hard-earned money, and Jeremy and I drove home.

Horror of horrors, what do I discover once cozily situated on my sofa with aforementioned ice cream on my lap? Dutch chocolate and KEY LIME with M&M’s. Ew. Ice cream dude either made a mistake or he has one sick sense of humor.


  1. Kerri Nov 16, 2004 6:47 PM

    Key lime, good. M&Ms, good. Together….ugh.
    Did you pick out the M&Ms and eat them separately, and then eat the key lime?
    I understand the compulsion for ice cream even in the dead of winter….Ted Drewes Custard in St. Louis beckoned, no matter what the season.
    Favorite Ted Drewes flavor: pumpkin (in a concrete, of course). Does Ivanna Cone’s pumpkin stand up even close to that, Jeremy?

  2. bethany Nov 16, 2004 10:28 PM

    Coldstone has a seasonal pumpkin flavor, and I tried it, but it just can’t compare to Ted Drewe’s. Probably because almost all other pumpkin ice cream is just that….pumpkin-flavored ice cream, whereas Ted Drewe’s pumpkin concrete is actually vanilla custard with a piece of pumpkin pie blended in (crust and all). Heavenly.

  3. Jeremy Nov 16, 2004 11:56 PM

    I do enjoy a good Drewe’s concrete. However, overall, I enjoy Ivanna’s ice cream more. The general consistency and taste of Ivanna’s ice cream (regardless of flavor) is a perfect match for my taste buds.

    Specifically, I don’t think I’ve had a pumpkin concrete and I doubt I would like it (very much) if Bethany’s portrayal is correct. While I *love* many pumpkin flavored desserts, I dislike pumpkin pie. Pumpkin cheesecake, yes! Pumpin chocolate-chip cookies, yes! Pumpkin pie, no. Am I odd in that regard?

    Going back to pumpkin ice cream, thus far I only like Ivanna’s variety. I haven’t had Coldstone’s version, but I’m not overly fond of Coldstone so I’ll probably pass. I suspect there are other brands that I would like–Häagen-Dazs and Ben & Jerry’s have always treated me well, as have Kemps’ Northwoods and Special Editions. I’ve learned to pass on Eddy’s, though, it’s too fluffy.

    Now, I’ve done it. I’m craving some ice cream and it’s way too late for me to consume all that sugar.

  4. charity Nov 17, 2004 8:15 AM

    mmmm. i do love coldstone’s pumpkin ice cream. joie made a pumpkin ice cream pie with it last year. yum!

  5. bobw Nov 17, 2004 8:29 AM

    is anyone else confused about the whole “I’m a diabetic” and “gimme icecream” thing? I suppose it’s my ignorance, but I thought such things were taboo for diabetics?

  6. RT Nov 17, 2004 8:36 AM

    Ah, Bob, thanks for a perfect lead-in for my next post. Prepare to be informed…

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