Why I’m Not Writing

Posted on Apr 27, 2005 at 2:58 PM in Uncategorized

There’s nothing like good old fashioned tiredness to keep one from blogging. So there, that’s my excuse. In a few short minutes I will nap in order to do other necessary daily tasks like bathe, fashion some semblance of dinner for my family, and carry on conversation without complaining. Livia, darling sweet girl that she is, is going through a version of separation anxiety which I hear will pass someday (please, God, let that be soon). The shrieks, screams, cries and grunts emitted from her teensy body can be a bit of a handful to reckon with. Besides this new stage, teeth #6-9 are emerging and causing all kinds of angst. Cold washcloths, 3 different teething rings, Hylands and Tylenol — yes, none of these can really cure Livia’s pain. Dull and dampen it, perhaps. In the meantime, Livia and I can both be found in our respective beds, sometimes with little tears in our eyes. Woe is us.

*Internet friends: Don’t read too much into this. Like Gloria Gaynor, I will survive… after I’ve had a nap, of course.

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