It works!

Posted on May 26, 2005 at 10:23 AM in Livia

Babies truly can learn sign language. Yesterday I asked Livia if she was “done” with lunch; she then repeated me and signed “finished” with her little hands. It was awesome! I’m not sure if I was more excited about her saying “done” or about her signing it, but you combine the two and what you get is a happily freaked-out mama.

Then, this morning she said “all done” completely on her own, without prompting from me, and waved her hands around in the air again. When Jeremy left for work she squeezed her left fingers together in a wave. She waved once before about a month ago but hadn’t done it since, so I was thrilled to see her do it again.

We’re having Livia evaluated for her motor skills next week as she’s a little delayed in the pulling up/crawling arenas. She’s obviously one sharp cookie, though, and I’m grateful to see how bright her mind is. Her physical movement is coming along, however… This morning she stretched and reached out for a toy on the kitchen floor, then smacked her face on the linoleum when she lost her balance. She has a little pink welt as a thank-you for her efforts. No wonder she doesn’t want to move—look at the consequences! ;)


  1. bobw May 26, 2005 7:31 PM

    cool! we want to try the baby sign, but I’m not sure if we’ll be diligent enough to make it work. we shall see…

  2. RT May 26, 2005 8:43 PM

    Bob, we’ve only been consistent with the “all done” sign. Others I do randomly are “milk” and now “thank you”… and I’m thinking there are more, but apparently I’ve got end-of-the-day mommy brain and the neurons aren’t firing so quickly any more.

  3. alison May 27, 2005 3:35 AM

    We did some signing with William and it has been great. I found some websites and learned a few signs like “please” and “thank you”, “more” and a few others.
    People loved it that William was already being polite even before he could talk!
    I wish I could meet your little Livia!

  4. kristen May 27, 2005 9:51 AM

    Very cool! I was consistent with “milk” for a while and Kate does that, but I need to do “all done”. Kate has the same bib, by the way :o) I love that set of bibs from Target!

  5. kara May 27, 2005 1:11 PM

    now that madeline is back to good health, her walking has FINALLY become a regular thing. it was just this week that i thought to myself, “hey, this isn’t just her deal, it is mine too…” i then proceeded to sit on the floor with her for about 2 hours and cheer her on as she slowly picked up the walking thing again. our deal was that she was very iron-deficient due to her milk allergy. iron deficiency can cause developmental delays and low IQ’s if they are deficient for a long period of time. you might want to get that checked out as well. it is sort of a hidden problem that they don’t necessarily routinely test for.
    all in all, though, i think livia is doing GREAT! keep us posted!!!!

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