WFMW: Children’s Videos

Posted on May 31, 2006 at 4:20 PM in Uncategorized


We started off with a Baby Einstein and a Veggie Tales or two — gifts, all of them. But then time went on and being the word-lovin’ mama I am, I felt Livia needed a new Baby Einstein DVD, Baby Wordsworth. Now, I believe it was entirely worth it to buy this one for Liv. She’s learned many words and a lot of sign language from it (and she has thoroughly entertained us during all the learning), but overall I would rather not spend another dime on a children’s video. Why is that? Because our library ROCKS.

I can pick up scores of different children’s shows on DVD (many more on VHS) at our library for, and here’s the clincher, FREE. Free! We can check them out for three weeks at a time (four weeks from the Bookmobile) and return them any time before that, at our own convenience. That’s not all… I recently learned that if Livia checks out her own books (and, ahem, some of her mom’s, too), late fees are reduced to a dime per day, per item. This is definitely something that works me me considering the fact that my late fees alone could pay for the eventual renovation of the public library downtown.


  1. Bethany Jun 1, 2006 8:01 AM

    This is why I always check out books on one of my siblings’ cards. I inevitably forget to return or renew books, and a dime a day is so much easier to swallow than a quarter, or whatever the adult fee is.

  2. Meredith Jun 1, 2006 11:30 PM

    I don’t know what we would do without the free DVDs from our library!
    When she gets a little older, check out the Scholastic DVDs–they are animated collections of classic children’s picture books. Not so flashy that they outdo the books themselves, but a step up in quality from most kids’ videos.

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