Judge Not, Lest…

Posted on Jun 19, 2006 at 2:18 PM in Uncategorized

I used to raise my eyebrows at uncontrolled children in grocery stores and malls. I used to think, Boy, when I get to be a parent I’ll do so much better than those people. In fact, if I was that kid’s mom I’d [insert perfectly-crafted discipline policy here], and my kid would never behave like that. (Fellow mom bloggers know what I’m going to say next.) HA and DOUBLE HA! The laugh is on me. All the judgment I cast out into the universe is now biting me in the backside.

Livia was this beautiful angel child almost all weekend. Sure, there were points of naughtiness, but overall things were fun and easy. But this morning Uber Toddler (her Hyde side) came out in Gordman’s. She’s all, “I DO IT!” while pushing the shopping cart despite the fact she has no understanding of steering. I’m sure the cashiers at the front of the store could hear her, my two year old, squealing “NOOOOO!” while her little hands swatted at mine when I’d try to angle her in the right direction. Mentally I wrestled with looking like a pathetic pushover to other shoppers, picking my battles with Livia, and chucking her over my shoulder and heading for the nearest exit. I settled for a Sponge Bob video in the children’s section, and Liv and I curled up there until my mom was done with her shopping. (Praise Jesus for Nana, by the way, who is graciously watching Uber Toddler this afternoon.)

All this to say, people, don’t judge me. Yes, I did judge you for years and years, and I’m truly sorry about that. But when you see us coming down the aisles at Super Saver, Liv screaming all the way because she didn’t get to ride in the special car cart, just give me an empathic smile. A little mirth goes a long way in these situations.


  1. Megan Jun 19, 2006 3:33 PM

    Here’s a smile from me. Because I really really really know what you are talking about.

    Mother of four, three of whom were with her in Walmart today, and of whom were given a sub sandwich, chips, and juice drinks IN LINE before they were even paid for as a payment for silence…

  2. Lisa Jun 19, 2006 8:42 PM

    definitely been there! once when my 2 oldest were 2 & 4 I remember carrying both out of target, one under each arm, as they were both screaming & kicking.

  3. kristen Jun 19, 2006 11:46 PM

    In the supermarket today, Kate unbuckled herself in the car car and proceeded to refuse to sit down until I physically sat her down and rebuckled her. She wailed for the remainder of the store.

    Luckily, I am the oldest of four, the next in line being five years younger than me, and I have vivid memories of taking them to the grocery store as toddlers. One memory in particular stands out of my dad sprawled out on the floor, joining my little sister as she pounded the dirty linoleum in classic toddler tantrum fashion. So, I expect craziness in stores.

  4. Melissa Marsh Jun 20, 2006 12:34 PM

    Ah, yes. I had a similar “judgement” attitude before I was a mom. Since then, I’ve greatly changed my tune. I now look with sympathy at those moms who have to deal with screaming toddlers. But I must say, I’m glad those temper tantrum days are behind me (oh yeah, and for my daughter, too) LOL

  5. bobw Jun 20, 2006 8:25 PM

    hehe. isnt it strange how we used to readily judge something that we had NO IDEA about?! wonder where I do that now….

  6. Jacinda Jun 22, 2006 10:45 PM

    Ah yes, the car carts at Super Saver…actually I’m glad when they’re gone. Unless you can get one of the shorter ones, those things are way too cumbersome to maneuver through the aisles!


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