Happy 5th of July

Posted on Jul 5, 2006 at 10:24 AM in Uncategorized

I just completed some Monday morning cleaning. Except, it’s Wednesday. I’m so confused.

The four day weekend was a fun one. We went to Worlds of Fun in KC on Saturday with Jeremy’s folks and cousins. Fully prepared to experience the hottest summer day yet amid crowds of roller coaster-happy, sweaty individuals, we were really surprised at how few people were in the park. WoF has come a long way in the past nine years (since we took the Covenant youth group back in the good ole days!). The food is better, the gardens are really pretty, and overall the amusement park is cleaner. On Saturday there was a nice breeze accompanying us through waiting lines, the longest of which was only 15 minutes—we practically walked onto big rides like the Mamba and the Patriot. Liv spent a delightful day with the Moreheads and Nickesons, which was a big blessing for me. I now realize that the destination isn’t what made the day a vacation for me, rather the time off from work was a relaxing break.

The rest of the long weekend was spent gardening, cleaning, napping, organizing and, finally, grilling and fireworking last night.

What did you do over the weekend?


  1. Melissa Marsh Jul 6, 2006 11:12 AM

    Let’s see…I wrote a lot. Finished up my synopsis and edits for my novel, relaxed with hubby and my daughter, shot off fireworks on the 4th, and went to Best Buy and grabbed a new movie and new music. It was a nice weekend, overall – relaxing!

  2. andrew Jul 6, 2006 1:10 PM

    While the folks are off in California for a family reunion, I was invited to be the weird friend at another family reunion on Lookout Mtn for the 4th. There they were…thirty people that all look like strange carbon copies of each other, with about 10 babies to boot, and two goofy looking dudes (me and extra friend) eating more barbeque than good “barbeque guest” etiquette allows. After five games of horseshoes, which requires more strength than I thought, I was in bed before 10:30 pm. I thought about calling the police when my neighbors were setting off fireworks at 11:00pm. I was outraged. Who stays up until 11pm?!

  3. Anne Jul 7, 2006 4:30 PM

    I spent the weekend in France. It was hard work.

    I’m kidding about the hard work part. It was great.

    We spent Saturday and Sunday in Amboise, and we traveled to several châteaux in the area. Monday we drove to Paris, and stayed there though Wednesday (my birthday).

    I think I’ll always remember my 23rd birthday…

  4. Jacinda Jul 9, 2006 1:21 AM

    Wish I could be in Paris when I turn 23! And, speaking of Covenant youth group circa 1997, Diana Johnson had a baby shower today! (yesterday) She’s due the 21st with a probable baby girl.

  5. RT Jul 12, 2006 1:34 PM

    Wow, Diana’s having a baby!?! I’m starting to feel kind of old here! Engagments, weddings, babies, social lives of my youth group kids. No longer kids whatsoever, but I still see ya’ll like that sometimes. ; )

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