Monthly Archive: January 2007

Livia-isms: Heartbreaker Edition

The other day I cracked open one of Livia’s Christmas presents and began at the beginning with the story of Creation. After storytime we called Jeremy (who was completing a freelance project) and Liv related what she had learned: that God created the first man and first woman, Adam and Kristin. By the next phone call, this time to Papa, the names had changed. Adam and Evil.

I picked up an especially lovey-dovey Livia from Nana’s house this afternoon. Man, it’s great to be greeted by a toddler who says, in her own special toddler drawl: I mi-issed you, Mom. The utter melting of my heart left a puddle on the floor.

Earlier today I deviated from our normal route home in order to pick up a breakfast sandwich from Burger King. As soon as I pulled into the parking lot Livia started clapping. Wondering if my daughter had finally picked up on my affinity for eating-out I asked, “Why are you clapping?”
“Because I’m happy,” Liv replied.
“Why are you happy?”
“Because Jesus loves me.”

Right in the heart, people. She gets me every time.

Adventures in the Animal Kingdom

I carried on the most ridiculous conversation yesterday with an employee at a local fish store.

Me: Um, hi. My in-laws purchased a betta fish for my young daughter and, well, I don’t think he’s doing too well.

Fish Guy: What’s he doing?

Me: Laying on his side. He doesn’t want to eat. He hardly swims around. But I know he’s alive because he moves when I tap the bowl.

After running through a short list of betta care questions, I’m left with this: our betta may have had a stroke.

So evidentally I’m feeding and cleaning the bowl of a stroked-out, $3.50, slightly crazed betta. See what I mean about ridiculous?


Our outdoor “pet” situation is no better. Our front porch slats, apparently, provide delicious munchies to a very cheeky, obstinate and, dare I say, vicious squirrel. I tell you what. This thing looks me in the eye and just dares me to take a step in his direction. I had the audacity to head out front to pick up our mail and the little thing stared me down and refused to budge! I swear he’s going to charge me or the Wee One someday. Jeremy laughs at this concern, but he hasn’t seen the challenge in this squirrel’s eye yet.

Tredways: 0
Yard Rat: 2 (Just ask Liv how Daddy broke his foot)

Nana and Her Girls


Livia thinks Madeleine is the coolest thing in the world.

I love the way her hand so casually rests on her baby cousin’s head here… It’s like Liv’s thinking, Yeah, we hang out all the time.

Snow Play

Wow, big break from blogging there, huh? What can I say… It was a brief hiatus.

Note: No child was harmed or neglected in any fashion in the following photo opportunity. The featured child has become quite dramatic in recent days. Such drama needed to be captured in film for posterity.






I’m welcoming a new year by taking a deep breath, and a bit of a blogging break.

I’ll be back…