
Posted on May 16, 2007 at 12:37 PM in Uncategorized

I have strep. Again.


This stupid bacteria is not only making me a tired, sick woman, but it’s also costing us a bit of cash. There are the $10 copays for doctors’ visits (five times total now for the Tredways), the $10-$25 copays for antibiotics, replacement costs for toothbrushes and toothpaste, and, this is the one that really gets to me, replacement costs for my beloved Burt’s Bees chapsticks. I hoard that stuff like nobody’s business and I *just* purchased two new tubes — and used both because one has papaya in it and is a pink color and I’m the kind of girl who likes tinted chapstick.

So on one hand is the hard cash issue, on the other is the friend issue. Some dear friends of ours are moving in about nine days and it would be so great if I could help watch their kids this week while they prepare to leave Nebraska. Another family is moving across town as I write this post, and again, it would be such a blessing to them if I could watch their kids. Then again, I’ve never known a virus to ask permission regarding the timing of affliction. So why not this week?

The good news? Liv is strep-free. And as vivacious as ever. At least I have entertainment in the midst of feeling like crud.


  1. Jeannette May 16, 2007 1:35 PM

    I’m sorry! I can truly say I feel your pain. :( I’m glad Liv is well.
    Wow, you replace your toothbrush and chapstick? I never thought of that…makes sense, though.

  2. Mom L May 16, 2007 5:16 PM

    Your load is not viral, it’s bacterial. Double ick. CL

  3. RT May 16, 2007 8:34 PM

    Thanks, Nurse Mama. I did say it was a bacteria (in the beginning). And then I chose “virus” towards the end because saying, “I’ve never known a bacteria to ask permission” sounds like I have regular conversations with amoebae.

  4. charity May 17, 2007 7:18 PM

    *lol* that mother-daughter exchange cracked me up!

  5. Bryonie May 18, 2007 2:59 AM

    I’m sorry you’re sick! …and I LOVE Burt’s Bees – I even have a stash all the way over here…

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