Monthly Archive: May 2007

Monday’s Diagnoses

I had already been checked, and received a big fat Postive. Now it was Livia’s turn.

“She keeps saying she’s tired, but I thought that was a phase. Oh, and she’s always thirsty.”

“Is she waking up at night?”

“Now that you mention it, she has been. But only once a night. And she always goes back to sleep.”

“Has her appetite changed recently?”

“She hasn’t been very hungry. I guess I thought that was a phase, too…”

“Any loose stools?”

“‘Yes’ would be an understatement.”

And the truth begins to sink in… lots of seemingly unconnected symptoms, the pediatrician connects the dots, the throat is swabbed and BINGO! the Tredways have won the strep throat contest for the week. Already we’re feeling better. Thank you, God, for antibiotics.