Entertainment Week: Surfing

Posted on Aug 10, 2008 at 10:12 AM in Blogging, Entertainment Week

There’s websites I link to (see sidebar), blogs I plug into Google Reader (best thing ever), websites I run through for daily information, and other sites I stop by on occasion. The only sites I can’t live without are View from the Prairie Box and my Gmail account. The rest is icing on the cake.

So, final question for the week:

    What are you favorite websites and why do you enjoy them?

Feel free to list between one and ten different sites (I’ll check with the web guru to see if hyperlinks will work) and give a general description of the them. Do you like to read comics online? Watch funny videos or trailers? Do you do all your shopping online or are you addicted to a social networking site? Are you into high fashion or celebrity gossip or NBA scores or MTG cards? Is there a blog author who is consistently hilarious or another writer who is always inspiring? Do you debates politics in a public forum or contribute to discussions of theology online? Share with us your favorite stops on the www.

Now that I’ve asked all the questions, I’ll drop a few sites as well. After I’ve read my mail and peeked at Google Reader, I like to check a few news outlets: the local JournalStar, USA Today, CNN. Then, if there’s time, I’ll head for even lighter fare with entertainment news like Entertainment Weekly and E-Online, with a special stop at some point for the Pop Candy Blog. I enjoy reading Pioneer Woman and Dooce as well as Design Mom. I frequent the Terrablogs to keep up with folks I know from Covenant College days. Recently Jeremy and I have enjoyed Facebook—it’s been fun to delight in reconnecting with old friends (“Did you know so-and-so has kids now? Wow!”) and marvel at some profile pics that are out there (’nuff said). I could go on with the listing, but I’ll let the rest of you do that…


  1. andy Aug 10, 2008 12:31 PM


    GoComics: Calvin and Hobbes, For Better or Worse, Foxtrot, and Non Sequitur.


    News and Observer (Raleigh Paper).



    mlsnet.com/sights (soccer highlights)

    And that’s really it!

  2. Sarah M Aug 10, 2008 8:01 PM

    I love to read blogs. Stefan emails me the “top stories” from CNN so I get enough news. My favorites are (other than P.W.!)

    Soulemama.typepad.com (my absolute favorite)

    and of course, Etsy,–www.etsy.com (you can find a unique gift for ANYONE here!)

    one I wanted to share with you since you have a crafty child is http://belladia.typepad.com/crafty_crow/ (a Child’s Craft Collective–very cool, many posts per day)

    I also am a facebook addict!

  3. Sarah M Aug 10, 2008 8:02 PM

    oops–I guess soulemama is actually this:

    (it used to be typepad I’m thinking)

  4. Lindsey Aug 10, 2008 10:15 PM

    Gmail and Facebook, to stay connected to people I know, and of course, be updated automatically on their ongoings.

    BBC, because I think they give the best and least biased news unlike some sites *cough* FoxNews.

    Dooce. So funny, and heartbreakingly honest.

    Smitten Kitchen. I think we could be friends in real life, and have you SEEN the food pictures?

    101 Cookbooks. Because I’ve never known vegan could be so versatile–it’s challenging to my cooking methods.

    Blogs of friends.

    Wikitravel, because I’m always planning my next trip/enjoy reading about places to go, like outer Mongolia.

    Apartment Therapy. It’s just so pretty.

    MSN fashion articles. Shut up. I bet you read them too.

  5. adam Aug 11, 2008 8:01 AM

    i have a gazillion good sites. my bookmarks list is uncontrollable and is beginning to take on sentience. however, my auto-daily favs:

    iGoogle with BBC links for news. i somehow feel it’s less biased than the NYTimes. dunno.

    Google Calendar. kristin and i share calendars, etc. it’s awesome. google calendar. watch for it.

    USAToday crossword and sudoku. only takes a few minutes but gets the brain oiled for the day.

    becca and kristin’s respective blogs. lets me know if there are any new deaths or births in the family.

    ITOTD. slightly defunct interesting thing of the day. every once in a while there’s something that really trips my fancy.

    Woot.com and Shirt.Woot.com for the great sale of the day. Only one item. Usually not something I want / need, but if it is… like today’s 8GB flash drive for only $19.99 i’m in for one. yay!

  6. Melissa Marsh Aug 11, 2008 1:14 PM

    I mostly read blogs, JournalStar, and ABCnews.com Sometimes I’ll read http://gofugyourself.typepad.com because I like to see how utterly awful some Hollywood celebrities dress. But I don’t like a lot of celebrity gossip sites because they’re just so darn MEAN and that bothers me.

    Amazon.com is always a favorite, as is IMDB if I have a question about a movie.

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