Political Discord and Contempt

Posted on Sep 5, 2008 at 10:43 AM in Blogging

I read political commentary on blogs and news sites last night before bed. Not a good idea. Perhaps these bloggers were more deranged than others (the medium allows you to be a wallflower in real life but completely outspoken online, so I imagine it brings out the crazy in otherwise normal individuals), but oh man did I feel like puking from the insanity. Why is there so much hate and dysfunction in political discussions? Here’s my theory: we’re looking for a Savior, not simply a President.

Newsflash, peeps. The future president is a human being. And as such, the future president will not lead us into the Promised Land of stellar healthcare, perfectly educated children, and peace, love and happiness in general.

We could talk until we’re blue in the face about these candidates, but the truth is that each one is a human being who has made both good and bad decisions in the past. And surely the candidates, as human beings, will make good and bad decisions in the future. So feel free to rip them apart with derision and hatred from the laptop in your living room, but face reality. We have two major candidates to choose from in November, neither of them are Saviors (and neither are the Devil incarnate either).

**I have strong opinions pertaining to this election and I know who will receive my vote come November. Don’t misunderstand this blog post; I believe we all need to be informed about each candidate. I am concerned, however, with the vehemence contained within many political discussions.


  1. Jessica Norton Sep 5, 2008 12:16 PM

    Amen, sister.

  2. Melissa Marsh Sep 5, 2008 12:47 PM

    VERY well said, Rebecca. I cannot believe what I’m reading on blogs and in the comments section of news stories. It’s unbelievable! You’re absolutely right – these men (and woman) are human beings that are NOT perfect. We all need to remember that. Thank you for the reminder. :-)

  3. charity Sep 5, 2008 2:07 PM

    60 days left? … and yeah, bad idea to read politicos before bed. might give you nightmares!

  4. Mom L Sep 5, 2008 2:30 PM

    I’ve watched both conventions with great interest and have been praying for wisdom. Now if I could just meld my picks together, it would be so much simpler. Claudia

  5. Mike Sep 5, 2008 4:27 PM

    I think I agree with your theory about looking for a savior, and I definitely agree with your appraisal of the level of insanity surrounding this election.

    Unfortunately, many political zealots are driven by an emotional/spiritual attachment to their idol/candidate. They care very little about rationality and principle. So, you get blogs and chat rooms full of political jihadists out to kill the infidels who have blasphemed their god.

    This leads people to come to (and defend) positions that are completely irrational, causing them to act irrationally in defending them.

    Consider the abortion question. Christians who believe that life begins and conception and should be protected from there on support a candidate who thinks it should be legal (and funded by the government) to kill children. The other candidate thinks it should be against the law to kill children, just like it is illegal to kill people in general. When the job of the president is to enforce and approve laws, including the appointment of SCOTUS judges to interpret them, logically it would seem that pro-life Christians would go with the human who is opposed to the killing of other humans. Sadly, it seems I’ve met a fair number of Christians who don’t take the time to work through this simple logic.

  6. Jacinda Sep 5, 2008 4:44 PM

    I try to stay out of it! It’s a jungle out there…I DO know that I –hate– the media in general.

  7. Kerri Sep 5, 2008 4:50 PM

    I agree, the vehemence and lack of graciousness of the comments is scary. Anonymity brings out the beast (not the best) in people.

    One thing that this particular campaign has brought to my mind recently is almost exactly what you said–the longing that we have for things to be set right will never be fulfilled in human government and institutions. We work and pray and believe in a greater fulfillment yet to come.

  8. Lindsey Sep 5, 2008 7:34 PM

    Good post, Rebecca. I avoid political discussion/posts in general on blogs simply because I usually end annoyed or mad at the end, not educated or enlightened. I think so far one of the best things I’ve read was Mike Hsu’s comment on Gary’s blog post (the one about Obamamania? I have to admit that I didn’t read it entirely nor ALL the comments because I knew I’d get mad). He said something like what Kerri just commented on, how we are living in the City of Man while longing for (and often simply looking for) the City of God.

    And since I’m always one for a little comic relief, check this out (props to Bethany, who sent it to me in the first place):http://www.jibjab.com/originals/time_for_some_campaignin

  9. Sarah B. Sep 10, 2008 6:42 PM

    I read a similar quote about voters wanting a Savior, not a President on Brian Maclaren’s website…so true!!

  10. meg Sep 12, 2008 4:23 PM

    I get to caught up in it all too. What bothers me the most is the competition of who is “more American”

    It is like the pep rallies in High School where the teams shout, “We got Spirit” Back and forth until it end ups in a yelling match of “We Got More”

    Or even worse when people don’t think you are Christian enough because you are not wearing Jesus T-shirt and a Bible isn’t permanently strapped to you.

    Its all so very ridiculous!

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