The Alphabet Meme

Posted on Sep 16, 2008 at 10:01 PM in Blogging

Today has been a good blogging day. Granted, none of my post ideas ever made it out of my mind and onto the blog, but still. I think I’m slowly coming out of my blogging malaise. Perhaps I’ll have a great blogging day soon and will actually type something original. Oh the excitement. Until then, a meme from Bethany’s blog will keep it real.

A: Attached or Single? Attached. Seriously, seriously attached.

B. Best Friend? There are many, including the attached one. There are dear friends near and far, in familial and non-familial form.

C: Cake or pie? Cake, preferably chocolate. Though I may be changing on the chocolate factor. I made a mean carrot cake (from Dorie Greenspan’s most excellent recipe book) for my mother-in-law’s birthday.

D: Day of choice? If Saturday includes a date night, then I totally love that day.

E: Essential Item? Insulin pump. Not everyone can claim that, eh?

F: Favorite color? Blue or green or yellow or red. I really like them all.

G: Gummy bears or worms? Worms. I took a bowl of gummy worms to a Redeemer game night awhile back and learned that adults *really* dig gummy worms. I was hoping to take some home but yeah, that didn’t happen.

H: Hometown? Lincoln, NE.

I: Favorite indulgence? Dessert when I eat out.

J: January or July? July—what a silly question! Sunshine, warmth, the ability to be outside in the sunshine and warmth. Total no-brainer.

K: Kids? One beautiful, charming, sweet and feisty kid.

L: Life isn’t complete without? Community.

M: Marriage date? June 13, ten years ago.

N: Number of brothers and sisters? 2, plus 2 by marriage.

O: Oranges or apples? Apples. When my computer begins to behave itself again, I’ll post some pics of apples from my parents’ tree and the delicious apple muffins I made from the new Zion Cookbook. Yum. (Thank you, Karen Hunt.)

P: Phobias? I’m not a fan of tight spaces. I don’t like getting stuck in really large crowds of people and I don’t like the elevator at the capitol building AT ALL. My all-time worst memory of claustrophia occurred in Old Tucson, AZ, in a haunted house. Why I went in that place I do not now—I don’t even like haunted houses—but the situation went from kinda dumb to downright horrifying when the guide led us through a pitch black tunnel. With Halloween sounds blaring in our ears so we couldn’t hear one another, we had to hang on to the shoulders of the person in front of us and stumble over stairs, down inclines and around tight corners in the deepest, darkest black you can imagine. Let’s just say I had to work very hard to not completely freak out. Once we hit the light our guide said he had good news and bad news. Bad news first: There’s no way out, you have to go back the way you came. Good news: I’m just kidding. Little did that guy know there was no freakin’ way I was heading back through the tunnel.

Q: Quotes? “I doing pubic speaking.” Livia, on the potty a few days ago.

R: Reasons to Smile? “I doing pubic speaking.” Livia, on the potty a few days ago.

S: Season of choice? Spring.

T: Tag 5 People: Uh, Bethany, are you up for another go-round? Kristin, and Adam on Kris’s blog, Renae (to encourage more blogging), and Kerri (because a tag is always a nice induction to blog world). I’ve never ever ever tagged anyone before because I hate to leave people out. So if you want to do this meme, have at it. Consider yourself tagged.

U: Unknown fact? I have very few unknowns in my life because I’m an extrovert. So I’m going to keep those precious few unknowns unknown, thank you very much.

V: Vegetable? Why not? Anyone know what the question is asking?

W: Worst habit? If I want to feel good about myself, I’d answer with “chewing my nails” because I just stopped that habit a few months ago. If I want to be real with the world, I might admit being of a fairly critical nature. I can be downright judgmental and pessimistic if I don’t keep praying for self-control and a right perspective.

X: X-ray or Ultrasound? I’ve had about four ultrasounds, most of which revealed wonderful things about the human body. So ultrasound it is.

Y: Your favorite food? Pad Thai, chips & dip, peach cobbler with ice cream (which I made tonight, so it’s on my mind).

Z: Zodiac Sign? Didn’t know it until I was a high school senior and our student teacher, in a moment of stellar educational expertise (I say, voice dripping with sarcasm), had us go around the class sharing our signs. I probably thought the Zodiac was from the devil back then. Now I’m just not sure how knowing my sign enriches my life.

1 Comment

  1. Lindsey Sep 17, 2008 5:20 PM

    I also hate the Capitol elevators! Especially the ones right near the top. They’re so tiny and rickety. This is part of the reason why the total number of times that I went caving in college? Once. They say to have someone taller and bigger go ahead of you so you don’t freak out, but yeah, that did nothing for me.

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