My Love/Hate Relationship with Insurance Companies**

Posted on Apr 30, 2012 at 7:59 AM in Uncategorized

In January 2012 I go see my rheumatologist for an RA appointment. I have new insurance but forget to bring them the card, however I give them the information they need. Within a few weeks I bring an actual insurance card. They copy it.

In April I receive a call from this particular office. My insurance needs more information from me before they will pay the bill. Needless to say, the doctor’s office wants this settled ASAP.

I call my insurance company and apparently there’s some sort of waiver/policy/what-have-you on my plan regarding preexisting conditions. They MUST HAVE proof these conditions were covered for at least 12 months under a previous plan. A phone call is not good enough; they need a letter.


I call the old insurance company and go through the rigamarole to have them send a letter of credible coverage to the new insurance company. They won’t do it. It MUST be sent to me first.

Yes, please. This is what we need more of in this world. Why not start using the Pony Express while you’re at it? 3-5 business days for the letter to get to me. Probably another 3-5 days for a photocopy to get to the new insurance company. Then I don’t know how long until my doctor’s office gets paid for my visit *four months ago*.

Is this annoying? Absolutely yes.

Dealing with insurance makes me think it’s not long until I have another condition to add to my list: high blood pressure.

I’ve heard we’ll be changing insurance companies again in 2013. Guess who’s excited about that? This girl!

**Brief but important note: I am incredibly grateful for God’s provisions for me via insurance. I’m a walking-talking example of someone who benefits from good benefits. Still, I reserve the right to complain when they become ridiculous and taxing.


  1. kayla joy Apr 30, 2012 8:40 AM

    I feel ya sister.

  2. Aubrey Apr 30, 2012 8:57 AM

    I didn’t realize you had RA. Even though I’m a doctor, I also feel the same way. Dealing with insurance companies is the pits. But then when I pay something like 60 cents for a generic prescription I find myself liking them again. Then I get a stupid piece of paper to get prior authorization for a certain prescription for a patient and I hate them again.

  3. Alyssa Apr 30, 2012 9:36 AM

    I am SO with you. Matt had eye surgery done on January 11. His claim is still “in process” with the insurance company. It’s. a. mess.

  4. Jen Apr 30, 2012 4:43 PM


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