Monthly Archive: April 2012

Beautiful Hosta Bouquet

The Master Artist outdid himself this spring. Or maybe he does it every spring and I’m just particularly grateful in this moment. Whichever the case, I find myself praising God for his beautiful creation frequently. I’m thankful for eyes to see and the artistic inclination to capture the image forever.

March 31

It was warm yesterday! But we know what to do when it gets warm. Put on a cute swimsuit and a set of shades, grab the hose and fill up a bucket. Aaaaah. The good life.

We began the day with a few small chores, then cookie-making. Livia and I were ready to do some baking together, so we pulled out one of Jeremy’s favorite recipes and made a large batch of Oatmeal Scotchies. Sometime between measuring flour and doling out tablespoons of batter onto cookie sheets a realtor called and wanted to show our house to clients. I figured we’d set an appointment for Sunday or Monday. Uh no, how about in 30 minutes? Liv settled on the couch with earplugs and a video on my laptop (cleaning-wise, kids tend to undo whatever their parents are doing!) while Jeremy pulled out the vacuum and I ran around in crazy-fast-tidying mode. Five minutes later—seriously, five minutes later—the doorbell rings and the agent and her clients are on our front porch. I opened the door looking like, well, like I look on a relaxed Saturday morning after doing nine laps around the house. The vacuum was roaring loudly in the background, and I asked them to have a seat on the porch for a minute or two. Awe.some.

Long story short, the couple looked at our home and said nice things about it. We invited them to a small plate of cookies before leaving, and that was it. In retrospect I couldn’t believe how many small tidying tasks I had done that morning before getting the call—grace from a providential God!

At noon I joined a group of girlfriends for our 2nd Annual Reuben Lunch. Everyone walks into the chosen restaurant and order Reubens. Maybe Maralee can explain why Reubens are the sandwich of choice; all I know is that these particular sandwiches are delicious at Toast in Fallbrook. And the sides are great, too. But the truth is that I’d eat peanut butter and jellies with sides of sliced bananas if it meant I got to spend time with these awesome women. I left my camera at home but I’m hoping someone else captured a few moments from our lunch.

The evening was spent in my first 2013 senior shoot. The client happened to be someone I babysat a long time ago. (I have a memory of breaking his parents’ pan while popping popcorn–whoops. Dumb kid! Me, not him.) The session went wonderfully and I’ll post images from the shoot in a few weeks. After the photo shoot I drove home quickly and picked up my date for an evening of Hunger Games. We had both read the series and have been eager to see the movie version. Besides dealing with the caveats of watching in the theater (note to the general public: don’t chew ice all through a movie), we enjoyed the flick and thought it was really faithful to the book.

March 31 = good day.