The Death of the Blog

Posted on May 25, 2012 at 8:25 AM in Blogging

My friend Melissa recently wrote a post entitled Is Blogging Dying? I’ve wondered the very same thing and yet I have no plans to let go of my space on the world wide web. I don’t care whether the phenomenon of blogging is on it’s way out or if blogging is seen as social suicide (pop culture loves to make fun of bloggers!). I write and publish blog posts because I want to. It’s a wonderful medium for a writer/photographer and I’ll continue to share my work here as long as it’s fulfilling for me creatively.

That being said, running a blog is an investment. It goes through ups and downs and morphs into something new every so often. I used to say that I didn’t write for comments, meaning that I didn’t write in order to get feedback from anyone who reads my blog. That still holds true, and yet the honest truth is that I really enjoy comments. But y’all—bear with me here, I’m going to publicly complain—Facebook has changed things. While it has definitely expanded the numbers of readers, it also sucks the comments away from here and places them in a space that is not mine at all. Yeah, it kind of grates on me. And yeah, it’s not a big deal in the grand scheme of things.

So anyhow, back to my main point. Blogging may be dying. Or it may stick around after all. As for me and my blog, we’re here for the long haul. I’ve been writing online since 2001 and I don’t plan on that changing any time soon.

Comments? Leave them here or on Facebook. ‘Cuz you know how I feel about that. ;)


  1. Melissa Marsh May 25, 2012 8:32 AM

    It’s amazing how FB has changed so much. Everything is in one spot and there’s no clicking around to different blogs, which is one benefit. But I like the way you think – that your blog is YOUR corner of the web, and no one else’s. I enjoy reading your blog and looking at your pictures, so I’m glad you’re going to keep on keepin’ on!

  2. Megan May 25, 2012 8:37 AM

    I GET YOU. I go through ups and downs too and convince myself I’m not in it for the comments, but honestly – I love comments. :) And I’ve also noticed how people will click over from FB to read the post, but then go back to FB to leave the comment. Sometimes it drives me nuts, but I’ve just had to let it go. Mostly.

    I started this whole thing right around the time I turned 30. I keep wondering if 40 will be the magic age for stopping. We’ll see, I guess. I still have 18 months to go.

  3. Sarah Riley May 25, 2012 9:18 AM

    When I saw the title of this post, I literally thought you were shutting down VFTPB. Before I started reading, I was trying to console myself with reasons why – rebranding, moving to alternate forms of social media (weblog, anyone?), something about moving from the Prairie Box…..sooo glad to hear that you are keeping your corner of the web. Cheers! :-)

  4. Jenni May 25, 2012 9:21 AM

    I think the way blogs work are changing, or the way people use them I guess. I don’t like posting comments on FB because I would rather know the writer is reading the comments more than a general FB audience. I think yr blog is great, keep it up!

  5. Papa May 25, 2012 9:56 AM

    This is akways my first place to look. Keep blogging.

  6. andy May 25, 2012 10:17 AM

    Second your thoughts.

    To me, blog posts are a richer than FB posts. Blogs often contain thoughtful content worth reading the author took time to assemble, craft, and create, while most FB posts are truncated status updates (Checking in at Starbucks!) or cool links jotted down spur of the moment. They rarely say much about the poster or about life. Facebook posts are rarely (never?) crafted, while some bloggers are trying to capture something beautiful as they post.

    While professional blogs are often long form Twitter feeds, I think blogs can be used for something more substantive than any other form of social media out there. If the medium is the message, then blogs are the best thing going (imho).

    I’m in it for the long haul too :-)

  7. kate o. May 25, 2012 11:43 AM

    i love the journal aspect of blogging, and getting each year published as a blurb book has been well worth it. the kids love looking back at the pictures, and i feel less guilty for being a terrible journaler/baby booker/picture printer ;)

    i also appreciate how many friends who blog write about what they are learning or struggling through or curious about or reading. they challenge me (in a good way). that doesn’t come through as much on facebook.

  8. Sarah O. May 25, 2012 12:27 PM

    glad you’re not going anywhere!

  9. Erin W. May 25, 2012 2:03 PM

    I definitely think blogging is dying only because people don’t blog as much anymore…I’ve had a few friends shut down their blog spots. I guess I saw blogging as a way to keep up with people…more so than facebook. I use it as a journal/scrapbook/photo album, not necessarily for networking and gainging followers…besides friends and family. Even though I can’t get to my blog as much anymore I definitely want to keep at it. As Kate O. said it’s fun to look back with the kiddo’s and remember all those great memories you forgot about. And I hear ya on the comment thing. But then I’m so bad at leaving comments as well…not sure what to say most of the time.

  10. Moriah @ Please Pass the Salt May 25, 2012 3:08 PM

    right there with you sister

  11. Monica May 26, 2012 5:00 AM

    Comments have dropped waaaay off at my blog in the past year or two as well. I am not a big fan of FB but pop in there since it is the only way I hear from some friends. I’m with you that I will keep up my blog as long as it is enjoyable, creative, helpful to me.

  12. Bethany May 28, 2012 1:24 PM

    So agree about the Facebook comments! And, in the same vein, I hate the FB “like” button, because I think even FB comments have gone down now that people can just hit that stupid button to show their approval, rather than take the time to put some words together as a comment. (Not that I don’t do the same thing. Sigh.)

  13. tasha ourada Jun 1, 2012 12:25 PM

    don’t say it’s so!! what would i fill my alone time with….???

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