Organizer Emily Moss

Posted on Jul 27, 2012 at 7:25 AM in Friends, House

I was at a church event when I learned that my friend Emily likes all things Organization. Scratch that, she doesn’t just like it, she lives it, breathes it, thinks of it and makes it happen. Emily even likes to read about organizing so she can learn the proper terminology for things like towel rotation and natural cleaning solutions. In short, Emily blows my mind. Her brain is an alien species to my brain, though in all truth, I wish I was more like her.

But I’m not. So obviously the next step is…? Hire Emily. Clearly!

It is with pride that I post this particular image of the day Emily came to conquer my bathroom. Pride that my bed is made and it looks pretty. (See? I’m not a total loser after all; I can do some things well. Yeah yeah. Moving on.)

These pictures show the reality of my need. After moving to the new house, with more bathroom space actually, I’m struggling to figure out where everything belongs. Also, these pics make me want to hyperventilate. Look at all the stuff all over the ground—argh! Do we really have to pull it all out and group it into categories? Just when I start to panic over the madness, I realize that Emily eats it up. She loves this process and hasn’t broken a sweat. It’s actually fun for her. Which is why she’s the woman for this job.

By the end of our time together, we’ve thrown away useless items (goodbye, old hairbrush and earrings I haven’t worn in five years), donated a few others, and organized the rest of the pieces for cabinets in three bathrooms. We’ve also unstuffed the linen closet, reorganized it and actually have free spaces on shelves. The linen closet looks so pretty with its clean lines and refolded twin sheets. I’m starting to understand what Emily does—she brings beauty and order to chaos, redeeming the space available.

I’ve got Em’s number if you need her help; but you can’t have her this morning. She’s coming soon to make some sense of my laundry room and kitchen nook. And she’s worth every penny.


  1. Bethany Jul 27, 2012 7:44 AM

    So…she’s a J, then? :)

    Emily is awesome. And organizing is awesome. I’ve always had a special love for organization (though I am bad at sustaining it in my own home). Pencil boxes with little compartments that fit everything *just so* made my heart go pitter patter when I was little. I used to go to the Disney store and ogle them. I was a weird kid.

  2. Jen Jul 27, 2012 7:56 AM

    Back in the day, I organized a bunch. When the kids were little, it seemed like you had to stay on top of it, or sink!
    It makes my heart happy to see Em make your new home even more of a wonderful space to thrive. Love it!

  3. Lindsey Jul 27, 2012 7:56 AM

    Organization makes me twitterpated :) I love it so much my closet is organized ROYGBIV-style, and my linen closet has all the little labeled containers. I think I used to reorganize Christine Weeks’ drawers, haha. And I’m a “P,” so what does that then mean?

  4. happygirl Jul 27, 2012 7:57 AM

    Please send Emily to my house. Quickly. :)

  5. charity Jul 27, 2012 8:12 AM

    Ooo. Look forward to more pictures of organizational heaven!

  6. Kerri Jul 27, 2012 8:29 AM

    Em’s a gem.

  7. tasha ourada Jul 27, 2012 1:36 PM

    wow don’t ever touch these things again…..they looks so perfect! ;)

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