This is What Summer Looks Like, Part 4

Posted on Aug 21, 2013 at 8:58 AM in Friends, Livia, Photography

Commence the debate as to whether it’s still summer or not. Summer, the season, came to visit us again yesterday (and I hear it’ll show up in full force today as well), so even though we’re in full swing at school, summer still reigns.

A quick note about photography and motherhood. Sometimes photographers who happen to be mothers get tired of documenting every event. We do this for work and are keenly aware that sometimes you need to put the camera down and simply *live* life, without documentation. And yet, I describe my cameras as being almost like a body part of mine—I want them with me pretty much all the time and feel something less than whole when I don’t have one at my disposal. But yesterday, while the kids were playing outside, I was somewhere between laziness and living in the moment, and had this ridiculous internal dialogue going. This light is wonderful… Look at these little faces… That’s okay, just enjoy it and enjoy chatting with Renae… But the light! Aaaa, the light! And that’s when I got up and shot a few images.

I’d say my efforts were entirely worth it in the end. I love these precious kids and I’m glad to make art from some of their last carefree summertime moments in 2012.






  1. Tara Aug 21, 2013 9:38 AM

    So glad you grabbed your camera! ❤

  2. Renae Aug 21, 2013 9:42 AM

    ^ Me too. :) we had a a great time! Thank you!

  3. Uncle Steve Aug 21, 2013 9:57 AM

    tough choices…and I know what you mean–about not documenting everything. I was in the Vatican going “I can’t NOT shoot this!’ but I wanted time to soak in it too.

    kids are only kids for a little while, and friends are among God’s most precious gifts.

    but dear one, if God gives you the ability to see light like this, perhaps it is because the gift of light is precious too, and these beautiful kids and friends will be thanking you for years to come. Shoot first, think later.

  4. Jen Aug 21, 2013 10:25 AM

    You can’t resist the light. Even though I was under the weather yesterday, when the sun turned red while it was setting, I had to capture a couple images. Adds to my enjoyment.
    However, I have noticed at other functions (family celebrations, church functions) that looking for good shots does detract from my ability to fully participate.
    Glad you decided to shoot!

  5. Kerri Aug 21, 2013 10:26 AM


  6. Rachel Morehead Aug 21, 2013 11:00 AM

    Love these pictures! Glad you chose to take them!

  7. Andy Aug 21, 2013 1:34 PM


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