Project Pooch

Posted on May 20, 2009 at 10:08 AM in Family, Photography, Shiloh


Our little pup is doing great. He’s seriously the cutest thing ever and adds a new dimension of fun to our home. Recently a friend asked how we’re doing with the dog—and I told her that the dog is far easier than the child! He doesn’t talk back. We can put him in his kennel when he has a potty accident or the when the chaos is getting to me. We don’t have to worry about whether he gets enough fruits and vegetables each day. Etc, etc.

I don’t know if all Cotons are like Shiloh—surely some in his breed aren’t as delightful as he is—but overall, this little pooch is remarkably easy-going. He is quick to learn and is doing really well with potty-training. He likes to be part of the “pack” and will either sleep or work on a chew toy right by our feet. He’s not a lap dog, but being close to our legs satisfies him. He loves people, so much so that I have to keep him away from joggers and school kids so he doesn’t go home with them. Still in the puppy stage, Shiloh definitely nips with us a lot. But even then, we find that he responds well to a sharp “No!” The hardest thing is training Livia to understand that a playing puppy means a biting puppy. Liv moves quickly from playing hard with him (wrestling, she calls it) to shrieking in pain from a particularly sharp chomp. It seems like we have to separate them like a parent would any two children. “You, on the couch! You, in the kennel!” Okay, so it’s not really like two children.

At a doctor’s appointment yesterday, Liv was asked if she had any brothers or sisters. (My not-so-favorite line of questioning, as I recently shared.) She said, “I have a baby dog. A baby BROTHER dog!” I had to smile.



  1. Melissa Marsh May 20, 2009 10:36 AM

    Seriously – he is absolutely ADORABLE. I just want to hug him!

  2. Kerri May 20, 2009 3:00 PM

    So sweet! Glad the training is going well.

    Marc Jr. used to like to climb into Maggie’s crate, back in the day.
    We didn’t close the door and leave him there.
    Even when we felt like it. :)

  3. Uncle Adam May 21, 2009 8:17 AM

    A baby brother puppy it is! Just be sure this doesn’t lead to baby sister turtles, baby brother hamsters, et al. :)

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