The Weekend

Posted on Jun 12, 2004 at 11:34 PM in Uncategorized

It’s time for a budget. An honest, true-to-life, livable budget. So when Jeremy asked what I wanted to do last night, after we ate a healthy dinner of Hamburger Helper, I said, “Get ice cream.” Usually “get ice cream” refers to us jumping in the Altima and heading down the road a mile to Ivanna Cone in the Haymarket… Love that Ivanna Cone! But a budget-minded Tredway must begin to think differently. So we first brainstormed inexpensive Friday night activities. Know what won out? A visit to our favorite three year olds.

At 8:11pm we had no time to lose; the boys would soon be put to bed. We quickly drove south of town and enjoyed half an hour of rowdy fun with these very crazy, highly entertaining miniature geniuses. I call them geniuses because they’re already learning to write their letters, they can recall names of their little friends from daycare, and well, because they’re just so darn cute. When I asked them what my name was (“Becca what?”) one replied, “Becca and Jeremy.” And when it, alas, came time for bed, I got a very sweet drooly kiss on the lips from the other one. Now I know these little guys aren’t perfect, but you can’t beat ‘em for great entertainment on a Friday night!

Whatever money we saved Friday I blew Saturday night. But I think it’s okay because time spent with my brothers is a rarity and our time together this evening was well worth it. Andrew and I battled rain, winds and washed-out roads on our way to Omaha while storms once again ravaged the poor small towns south of Lincoln. Once there, Adam introduced us to a very yummy Vietnamese restaurant and I enjoyed the best chicken curry since my days in St. Louis at Pho Grand. Though not my first movie choice, Chronicles of Riddick was fun and engaging… And kudos goes to the Omaha AMC theater for the best bathrooms in any movie theater anywhere. One thing about sibling time… It’s so nice to enjoy being with your siblings. I consider myself really blessed to have brothers that are cool and fun.

Don’t know what tomorrow holds, besides our usual attendance of the late service at church. What I do know is that it is our sixth wedding anniversary—and such an event deserves a blog entry of it’s own!


  1. Jacinda Jun 13, 2004 4:06 PM

    HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! (was that really six whole years ago???)

  2. rebecca Jun 13, 2004 10:51 PM

    yup, it really was six years ago! time flies, huh?

  3. rebecca Jun 13, 2004 11:17 PM

    huh. last night i really didn’t know what “tomorrow” held as we actually got up early and went to the first service at church. ah, the early service… 1) it’s like the dress rehearsal for the late one and 2) there is no clapping allowed. j/k, i’m sure clapping is okay. (pssst… but don’t do it! no none does! i think you might get thrown out if you attempt it!) also, as a church employee, the early service is more laid back and gives me less work-related tasks to complete — n-i-c-e. : )

  4. Jeannette Jun 14, 2004 8:27 AM

    happy anniversary!! Wow. 6. that’s twice as long as us. :)

  5. bobw Jun 14, 2004 8:49 AM

    if you’re looking for some help with budget stuff (we fooled ourselves for a few years thinking we could do it on our own: I couldn’t be that hard, right? right), I can recommend at least some of the stuff put out by Crown Ministries.

    some of their studies are really REALLY basic, but a lot of it is really helpful, especially if you have someone helping you through it.

    and congrats on the anniversary.

  6. kerri Jun 14, 2004 1:58 PM

    really?? no clapping allowed at early service? makes me glad that we go to second svc. usually. Also makes me want to go clap and raise hands and dance around during a first service…just to shake things up. Dancers in Presbyterian churches, unite!

  7. Bethany Jun 14, 2004 2:56 PM

    Now look what you’ve done, Rebecca. You got her started. ;)

  8. karen Jun 14, 2004 4:31 PM

    i think it was andrew weeks who once described early service as “condensed soup”.

    so very true.

    and kerri, we need people like you at early service to loosen it up a little bit. my shaker is lonely without everybody clapping along on beats two and four.

  9. rebecca Jun 14, 2004 7:01 PM

    i once clapped at early service (then was dragged out to the street, flogged and reprimanded — oops, kidding again). the clapping continued vigorously for about one verse, all three of us clapped out hearts out… by verse two it was all over. it takes a bold individual to clap by themselves at 8:15am. yesterday i just tapped my hands against the pew and moved ever so slightly to the rhythm of karen’s shaker.

  10. kerri Jun 14, 2004 8:30 PM

    sitting on the front pew, there is no pew to tap my hands on, so I feel impelled (compelled?) to clap…one of the many benefits of the front row (unimpeded legroom, no distractions, brass up close and personal, good view of stu’s socks…okay, maybe a few distractions).

    i would go to early service more, if it started later :).

  11. joe Jun 14, 2004 9:03 PM

    i wonder if any early service people read this blog???

  12. rebecca Jun 14, 2004 10:58 PM

    bob, thanks for the recommendation of crown ministries — we’re used some of their materials at church. quicken has a nice little budget… now we need a drill sergeant (or maybe just some willpower) to carry it out! : )

    hey joe! i didn’t know YOU read this blog. but good question… any faithful early service folk out there?

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