Monthly Archive: September 2004

Dust Burning in My Eyes

Listening: to Sommer Waite’s Pass in Front of Me. Sommer is so talented and creative. Her music fits any mood I have and I’m proud to claim her as a friend. Check out her website and listen to her work.

Pondering: the impact of our television within our family. I know that some folks really despise the tv and think we should do away with it altogether; I’m not one of those people (obviously). However, I won’t tolerate the other side either. Who needs to watch tv 24/7? When the television is turned off the following seems to occur: I read more books, I have more quality time with family and friends, I complete more household chores. And then, when the tv comes back on, I don’t even care what I’ve missed! And yet, I like to catch the morning news and weather (the internet just doesn’t do it for me) and I plan on watching a few favorite programs like Alias and The Amazing Race. Anyone have opinions to share regarding tv? I’d love to hear them if they’re not extreme is one direction or another.

Happy Four Months!

Dear Livia,

Today you are four months old!

You are a child who loves to be engaged in this world. I noticed that you fell asleep while playing on the floor a few minutes ago—a bottle and a bath just wiped you out!—so I picked you up and put you in bed. Did you stay asleep? Oh no. Those few seconds, from floor to crib, offered precious moments for you to take in every bright object and every loud noise around. Though quite sleepy, you craned your neck and straightened your spine to take in your world. You like to stretch out instead of being cuddled, you’d rather lay flat on your back than be pressed up against someone’s neck. You’re the “stretchiest” kid I’ve ever known and you’re the only baby I’ve met who sleeps with her hands behind her head like she’s vacationing in Baby Club Med.

This past month has been full of new developments. First, you found your knees and ankles, then your feet. Just last weekend you even managed to taste the feet on your sleeper; your own toes were centimeters short of your gaping mouth. You discovered the joy of playing with toys and now your play gyms (yes, you are spoiled by having two) offer all sorts of fun. You like to bang the living tar out of the little dangling animals or grasp their legs so tightly that I can almost hear them begging for mercy. Daddy is now “Mr. Funny Man” to you and I’ve had to come to terms with the fact that, yes, sigh, Daddy is much more fun than Mommy. We picked him up for some fine dining at the food court in the mall last week; he loved seeing you in the middle of an otherwise normal workday. I came around the corner to find out what he wanted to drink and he was singing and dancing in the middle of the food court. You and I both laughed out loud at that one!

Last weekend you joined me and a whole team of Aunties for our girls’ weekend at Belmont Lake in Minnesota. You are the first babe to join our fun and I’m quite proud of your positive representation for the world of babies. Together we learned that you can sleep just about anywhere, you can certainly eat anywhere (even in brisk breezes with raindrops falling on your face), and you can play, on your back of course, just about anywhere. I am slowly learning that you are quite durable and that I can, even as a first time mom, be flexible.

We love you tons, my sweet little Boo! (Remember this come Thursday when we’re allowing an unknown nurse lady to stick needles in your sweet baby thighs for your 4 month shots. I’m sure it’s one of many moments where hard things will occur and we’ll all cry together.)

Love you,

September Already???

How can it be September already? And where did August go? The calendar says today is September 1 and I’m having a hard time believing it’s true! Perhaps if August repeated itself I’d feel more prepared for the fall.

Being a stay-at-home mom and an ESFJ, there are some days when I run to the computer for conversation and community. Blogs and emails can only provide so much stimulation and I know I’m in trouble when I’m hanging on to every last comment dropped into Blogland. Don’t get me wrong—I love blogging. It’s just that sometimes I have a hard time tuning out others’ voices in order to find my own. Thus begins my self-imposed retreat from blogging. I’m heading out of town shortly and will be delightfully disconnected from the internet. I intend to enjoy every minute of my little unplugged vacation and I vow to try very hard to not wonder about the messages in my overflowing email account.

In the meantime, thanks for making Blogland fun for me. I enjoy reading everyone else’s blogs. I love writing my own. I appreciate all the comments left here. The dialogue from the last post continues&#151it has certainly brought new and mysterious folk out of the woodwork and provoked them to comment. Thanks, all!