Monthly Archive: February 2009

Story in Photos: January 31

Yes, it’s technically February, but I have so many fun pictures from the last day of January that I can’t help but post a few here. In one day we celebrated Adam’s birthday at Lazlos, Simon’s first birthday (1/30) with his family, and Joie’s 30th with a bunch of folks at Grace Chapel.

Kristin and Madeleine. I can’t resist a mom-and-daughter shot.

Adam and Matt. Matt made the blog! Hope I didn’t promise you otherwise, Matt.

Birthday Banner. Renae made this gorgeous banner for Simon’s birthday. It was so cool!

The Paparazzi. Simon was surrounded by adoring grandparents, great-grandparents and aunts and uncles.

Birthday Boy. Eating cake for the first time.

Joie and Keri. I love this pic of Joie laughing.

Random Ing-ing.

Seed Pod

I am feeling kind of random tonight. I had great intentions: January was all about stories in photos and February would be all about writing. In fact, I had toyed with the idea of not posting photos at all this month and focusing on painting pictures with words. In theory, it is a lovely, achievable goal. In reality, I haven’t posted anything this month. And tonight is nothing special, just a small post to break the malaise I’m experiencing. The picture of the seed pod, with kids playing in the Haymarket in the background, definitely represents my somewhat random state of mind this evening. Ooh. Know what’s good for random? Ing. Here goes…

Baking a 9 grain bread from Hodgson Mills. And I must say, my house is
Smelling divine. I’m
Looking forward to
Spreading some butter on a hot slice of bread in about 30 minutes.
Reading quite a bit of the Twilight series and
Trying to decide exactly what I think about Edward. Right now I’m
Thinking he’s annoying and controlling. But I still have Book 4 to go. I’m also
Trying to get back into reading scripture. I want to know the Word of God far better than I do, so
Studying John is now my goal. I’m also
Working on Tim Keller’s prayer study for my small group with Redeemer. So far, so good. Finally, I’m
Getting sleepy and
Desiring some good time with Jeremy this evening. Enough
Blogging already. ; )