Monthly Archive: December 2017

December 8

This one, she radiates joy.

December 7

THIS GUY. We both work from home and we laugh together every day. Today’s DPP poses were hilarious.

For those who don’t know my incredible husband, you can get a bit more insight into his life via this piece from Storyhook. Not having hands means struggling every single day with something… zippers, buttons, cutting a steak for dinner or rebooting a computer. If you really want to empathize, toss on a pair of oven mitts or mittens for 30 minutes and see how easy life is! All kinds of things become hard or seemingly unfair when you don’t have hands, but Jeremy is not a complainer. His willingness to deal with hard situations encourages me. Sometimes we both have physical hardships, but I couldn’t create a better partner for me than this guy. God knew what he was doing when Jeremy and I met. Despite all our ups and downs, I’m grateful for him! He makes me better. #dpp2017

December 6

Me at 40.

December 5

Can you see the eyebrow raise I’m getting here from my friend? This shot will make me laugh every time I see it. And those gorgeous cheekbones. This one is dear to me.

This image was snapped Sunday and posted today. I cannot recall ever doing this for the DPP; it’s just not how I operate normally. But this week is not normal, it’s the week before finals and I’m struggling to keep up with normal life + holiday celebrations + schoolwork. In short, I am not Superwoman and so a photo shot on Sunday and edited and posted on Tuesday will work swimmingly. #dpp2017

December 4

It’s December 4 and we’re having the nicest December weather ever in Nebraska. If you see a plethora of silly “Frost” jokes flying around, it’s because Nebraskans have, apparently, a very cheesy sense of humor and we’re all endlessly excited about Scott Frost returning to coach the Husker football team. Personally, I’m terrified he’s going to fail and then what will Husker nation do? GUYS, BE COOL AREADY. [insert frost joke here]

This week is study week before finals. I may go a bit more silent than usual because it’s hard to find time to study and I procrastinate just as much as the next student.

But first, this little munchkin, holding tight to a fistful of candy, posed for me today. So much love for this cutie. #dpp2017

December 3

Redeemer Presbyterian Church. Connecting the disconnected as we love God, love people, and love Lincoln. I’m so grateful for this space every Sunday morning. The word of God is preached and lived out in warmth and love. Everyone is welcome here. #dpp2017

December 2

This one has my heart.

Also, shooting this series is going to be a lot of fun. #dpp2017

December 1

It’s been so long since I pulled out my professional camera, since I enjoyed looking closely at faces. This medium grabs me and makes me pay attention. It combines my love of people with my love of light and art. All the things come together and the synapses start firing in a different way.

Looking up from a textbook to find a creative task is the most rewarding of moments. Whether it’s baking or trying a new recipe for dinner, shooting and editing the tiny squint lines on a tiny four-year-old’s face or lighting candles for an evening of conversation, those creative juices must flow. The December Photo Project grants permission to stop and notice, to pause and create without guilt.

Let’s do this thing. #dpp2017